This has been a rough few days for Apple.  A ‘goto fail’ hole appeared in the OS that lets people defect a security server key which lets them do .. well not sure.  From a quick read of the code, seems like if you can get a false handshake to work then depending on the… Read More

Augmented Reality (AR) has been around for a long time, but it has yet to really find a local role in a major vender.  That has changed.  IKEA has a new app that work on both iOS and Android that will allow you check out various IKEA furniture as it would look in your place.… Read More

The rumors were true. Apple has finally overhauled its UI; and it looks like a combination of Metro and flaticons (Jailbreak).  I guess that says something for the Metro design approach. The redesign is cleaner and more efficient, but somehow it just does not sit well.  It feels like its trapped between Metro and the… Read More

If you have not seen the video already, I have placed it at the end of this post.  The game in question is Super Monster Bros by Adventure Time Pocket Free Games. This is a review from IGN, and its worth watching.  What is unbelievable about this is the cost of in app purchases.  Half… Read More

I like Civilization Revolution for iPad.  Even wrote a collection of Tips and Tricks for Civ Revolution. Well seems there is a Civ Revolution, v 2.4.1 to be exact.  Well, not really new, just a new version. The biggest change in multiplier.  What you can do now is invite a few friends (or enemies) into… Read More

And its out.  Called evasi0n they claim to Jailbreak 6.x iOS’s, untethered, on the A5 chips found on the iPhone 5 and future Apple mobile devices I’m sure…. Till the A6 comes out. I have not tried this jailbreak myself, and as I ALWAYS say, give this a few days to a week to be… Read More

I cannot believe I did not write about this when I first saw it. is a firm that decided to see just how fast they could get an HTML5 to render.  The test was to render 3D in using HTML only, no plugins. The way they got this page to run so fast is… Read More

Yes, the long national nightmare is over.  iOS5 users can finally say goodbye too Apple maps and use a better system.  And I bet the Auzzies are super happy. 🙂  I’m going to download this puppy right now and test it out.  More later.  Now we just need to wait for a jailbreak to make… Read More

…with a smooth frame rate and built on open web technologies. The IGD team at Fraunhofer, a German research institute, is doing some really amazing things regarding delivering high polygon count web3d scenes on mobile devices using WebGL and X3Dom. X3Dom is a framework for integrating and manipulating X3D scenes as HTML5/DOM elements. Pat yourself on the back if you… Read More

LinkedIn, the world’s largest professional social network with more than 175,000,000 members in over 200 countries, recently updated their Android and combo iPhone plus iPad apps, to entice mobile users for more engagement. Their website will be rolling out similar features to its users over the next few weeks. Real-time is a must in today’s… Read More

  “ONE WEEK ONLY: biteSMS licenses on SALE HALF PRICE!!! Check out biteSMS, Settings, Themes…NICE!!! Added a ‘mark as read’ icon in the Apple banner roll notification. Added the ability to display the contact pic in the ‘Lock Screen Notification List’ (see biteSMS, Settings, More Stuff, Contact Pics). Better control of Quick Reply. See biteSMS,… Read More

If you have been following along with all of the guys who are behind the scenes of jailbreaking, then you already know. Some how, amazingly fast productivity has kept them on the heals of the the iOS6 developers. Releasing update after update of jailbreaks. Presently, you can upgrade your iDevice, by downloading the iOS6 firmware… Read More

I installed Chrome over the weekend.  It seems ok enough although a bit slow.  However, I found that I had to remember to use it.  So I decided to really commit to it and set it as my default browser, through jailbreak of course.  First off its not fast despite what they say. In fact,… Read More