Got this in the email and have not tried it but it looks useful. The app is called Dar-Soft’s PDF Forms for iPad and is designed to support annotating, filling out and signing forms and documents.  I can say that more then once I have looked at a PDF and would have liked to dash… Read More

Want to get OS X Lion on your iphone?  Well this latest port will blow your mind. I have seen lots of ‘ports’ before, but its been little more then some nice skinning and little UI tricks. Check more screenshots from gdeluxe. OS X Lion Ultimatum has to be the best Lion user experience I… Read More

End of year holidays are coming and that means one thing. Lots of new iPads. There are even some that have got them early. So now that you have a new ipad, what apps should you put on it? Well, normally I would give a top 10, however, not everyone will use the ipad the… Read More

I just downloaded skydrive a few min ago and have not played with it, but 25g of free storage space is pretty nice. You can get to your files from you computer as well going here.  I have not looked for a desktop app like dropbox has, but I’m sure there is one.  And… Read More

I have not downloaded this, but by just watching the video I’m already sold.  What is interesting and cool about this iphone alarm clock app is that it does more then just wake you up.  Once you are awake, it has voice commands for follow up actions.  Snoose, reset the alarm time, etc..  Better, you… Read More

Full disclosure, I have not tried Camera Boost at all, but after looking at the site, this looks pretty good. Those of you with ipad2’s, please give this app for fixing poor quality shots a shot and let us know what you find. And now, the email blast… iOS photography specialists Interealtime today is proud… Read More

We all know that the iPad’s main value is as a media consumption device. Well what about in the kitchen?  Of the workshop?  Would be nice to mount it on a wall right.  And I know, there are a number of them out there, but I wanted to share this one.  Its Clean. Something I… Read More

I get emails all the time about iphone ipad apps going on sale; seem this season, especially black friday, I’m being crushed.  So I’m going to start dumping them every now and again.   For the night birds : – Universal Music DJ for iPad (iPad) : $0.99 instead of $11.99 For gastronomes travelers :… Read More

Wow, talk about the power and reach of iOS. is giving away 50 gigs of storage for iOS users. The promotion starts 12:01 AM PST on Friday Oct 14 and runs for 50 days. And its not limited to your iOS device wither, you can use it on your desktop as well.  I tried… Read More

Well this is something. Seems that a EU judge decided that Samsung’s Galaxy table is not unique enough in design to not be subject to Apples patent. Here is an excerpt from VentureBeat. The preliminary injunction was first granted last month by the German court, which found Samsung’s tablets closely resembled Apple’s designs. It initially… Read More

Nice!  You can get one of those micro helicopters for around $40 that you can control with your iphone/ipad/ipad. The only thing missing is the video display. I would LOVE to see someone put a small wifi camera on this.  I would buy it right now. DealExtreme, the leading online electronics retailer, unveils… Read More

Its iOSDevCamp time again.  If you do not know what it is, #iOSDevCamp is a weekend event where iOS devs from all over the country ( and some from outside the US ) come to meet up and try to build an iphone / ipad application in a weekend.  This may sound impossible, but after… Read More