Welcome to PeriVision Loops, currently home of Looping The Smiths, but hopefully that will expand to other artist as well in time.

tl:dr for the last two years, just after Corona started up, I started playing guitar again, (mostly The Smiths) and then took up the hobby of ‘looping’ Looping is creating a song using a digital sampling device. Basically playing a riff or pattern, and then repeat it over and over, Then adding more and more riffs or patterns on top.

Sept update: Finished ‘There There’ by Radiohead. This took a LONG time because I had to change my workflow a bit. Also created a video the way I wanted to do it.

I need to create a part II for ‘There There’ where I explain the break down and the new things I got working to do this project. For example, using MIDI to play drums and fire events to Quantiloop on the IPad. I’ll get to that later. But for now, here is the new video!

When I first started looping, I was using an Boss RC30, however over this time I ended up changing to an iPad, new guitar, new effects pedal, learning post production using a computer, and wasting lots of time trying to figure how to film this using a cell phone. All while still working, so basically finding buckets of time here and there. However, 1.5 years later, finally ready to post some of the results.

I will update this over time but for now, consider this post a placeholder for the videos.

I recommend you open in YouTube. Also ‘Why PeriVision Loops’ is pretty long, so unless you are interested in looping, you can skip after the first part.

Update: I may just put the link to youtube instead of putting the player in the blog directly.

For example, here is just the playthrough of ‘Shoplifters of the World…’ currently my favorite of the 3 released so far.


Video List:

  • Why PeriVision Loops: How and why for this hobby.
  • The Smiths – Some Girls Are Bigger Than Others
  • The Smiths – Shoplifters of the World, Unite and Take Over
  • The Smiths – Last night I Dreamt
This is the How and Why I started this hobby in the first place. I go through what I’m trying to do, walk through my current setup, how I did some songs as examples, and finally post production. How I try to improve the sound. (this video was recently update)

This is the first video. Its ok, but I may redo it. I also want to figure out how to bass as I’m playing. Future effort.

This is my favorite so far. Really happy with the sound. My only regret is I figure out how to get a good sound out of my holo-body guitar AFTER this was done. Oh well.

This is my second song. I was still learning how to do these, and really did not get the sound I wanted. After this was done, I was planning on creating another version, but I wanted a dark 1950s tube amp sound and a feeling like you are hearing this in some dank pup somewhere where smoking is not allowed but happens anyway. Go figure, I recently found a version of this sound that pretty much hits what I was after.

Check it out: https://youtu.be/hp-Ic3wZrGM

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