Welcome to PeriVision Loops, currently home of Looping The Smiths, but hopefully that will expand to other artist as well in time. tl:dr for the last two years, just after Corona started up, I started playing guitar again, (mostly The Smiths) and then took up the hobby of ‘looping’ Looping is creating a song using… Read More

SOoo much to unpack from yesterday. Ok, lets take this one at a time. First the stock jump to over $1000 a share. In less than a week, TSLA went from $775 to close at $1080 today with a peak at $1094. This 25% jump is pretty crazy. So what is going on? Two things.… Read More

We shot this a month or more back, but did not upload it for some reason. Until now. This is a ‘work’ band and we shot this late at night in a cafeteria. Suppose to be this cool Space Odyssey -ish open with 360 vid cuts, but .. well you’ll see. I think its better… Read More

Here is something I have been waiting for, the ability to use my 2D Android applications and 2D games in VR.  The way it works is a 2D window is provided in your VR environment.  Within that window you can run Android apps!  Sweet Right? This GearVR App is call PhoneCast which is already out… Read More

Sculpting in VR is nothing new.  Actually, very little in VR is new, instead its what happens when things get lighter, faster, cheaper.   Back in the 90’s we could create sculptures and move walls around in VR but it was very cumbersome, lacked the high feedback fidelity required to really make sculpting in VR productive… Read More

Ok, that was horrible and I should be bludgeon with a heavy brass object, however, once I explain what xTV is, perhaps you will forgive me a little bit. “ok, fine then, what is xTV?” XTV is a internet video service for the enterprise. (IPTV) But it’s not useful to just enterprise users.  Imagine you have… Read More

Here is a great life hack.  If you do not need ice for your drinks, then put something else in there.  Like candy!  Of course you can put fruit or mochi or anything else that is small and taste good either frozen or just thawed.  I can see berries or grapes as well.  I wonder… Read More

Big Brands among first adopters of Twitter plus TV There is a new type of internet TV out there.  Called xTV they focus on dynamic video content based on keywords or trending keywords on Twitter.  Imagine you could set up a TV feed on technology focusing on mobile devices and international news, and the latest… Read More

Augmented Reality (AR) has been around for a long time, but it has yet to really find a local role in a major vender.  That has changed.  IKEA has a new app that work on both iOS and Android that will allow you check out various IKEA furniture as it would look in your place.… Read More

This is very cool, and something I have thought about. How cool would it be to have Risk like boards but of different maps, like the US or Europe?  Well Havoc has done that. Its a kick starter project but they have 15 designed maps so far, Civil War US, New York, United Kingdom, Los… Read More