Did you know that the McBain clips in the Simpsons actually make a complete episode if you stitch them together?  Neither did I.  So credit Gawker for putting this together. Now I present you with episode 1, McBain – you have the right to remain dead. {edit}  The links does not work anymore.  Go to… Read More

If you have not seen the video already, I have placed it at the end of this post.  The game in question is Super Monster Bros by Adventure Time Pocket Free Games. This is a review from IGN, and its worth watching.  What is unbelievable about this is the cost of in app purchases.  Half… Read More

This is not that big of a deal, and if you are not using a SIM phone, you do not need to worry about it, but just goes to show that your phone is not completely safe. The new lock screen bug was first documented by YouTube user videosdebarraquito, who posted a video demoing the… Read More

I have not bought SimCity2013 and do not plan to till there is a hack that will allow me to play offline. The main time I would play is on the train or stuck at the airport or other times when I have down time. I do not always have access to the web during… Read More

I came across this short movie called ‘R’ha’ made by German film student Kaleb Lechowski. The film is visually stunning and Lechowski said it took several months to complete by himself. The story reveals a plot of an alien race betrayed by its own machines in search of their independence.… Read More

I cannot believe I did not write about this when I first saw it. Famo.us is a firm that decided to see just how fast they could get an HTML5 to render.  The test was to render 3D in using HTML only, no plugins. The way they got this page to run so fast is… Read More

This just popped up in my email.  More public service announcement more then anything. 🙂  Check it out.  If you are building AR apps, you will want to know bout this. Create Augmented Reality experiences in minutes The Metaio Creator is the only augmented reality content management tool available. If you use augmented reality content… Read More

Got an iphone or Android?  We you have known for a long time that you can live stream video using a number of apps out there. However, typical mobile phone users do not do that. Instead they film something on their phone, update it later and share it later still.  What if you could live… Read More

This is a great video for all those Portal fans out there. Now if you are asking; ‘What is Portal?’  It’s an addictive puzzle game where the player has a portal gun which opens two portals between surfaces, allowing players to literally walk through walls.  This is a bit of an over simplication, but watch… Read More

I know you have all heard already, but there is a new RPG South Park game and I grabbed the video.  The game is simple enough, you are a new kid in town trying to join the South Parks stick gang is an effort to save SouthPark from “vampires and hippies”.  You will see your… Read More