I just got the Nreal AR glasses dev kit. I’m going to skip unboxing and intro stuff since there are plenty of those on the web already. So this is a day 0 review, what I did as soon I got them. So lets jump right in. First off, the glasses do not fit me… Read More

Here is something I have been waiting for, the ability to use my 2D Android applications and 2D games in VR.  The way it works is a 2D window is provided in your VR environment.  Within that window you can run Android apps!  Sweet Right? This GearVR App is call PhoneCast which is already out… Read More

Back in 2016 I did a presentation on the Future of VR.  On one slide was titled: VR, AR, MR… XR?  Basically wondering how to describe yet another way to experience VR where Virtual World, is mapped to the real world, but its fully immerse, but one or two real things pop through.  Ug.  So… Read More

    So this past weekend I went to Seattle to participate in the first ever Holographic Hackathon. This event sponsored mainly by Microsoft gave a select number of lucky individuals the opportunity to work with the Microsoft HoloLens device. As an organizer of hackathons for the past few years I was beyond excited to… Read More

At its Build Developer Conference in San Francisco today, Microsoft provided some new details on its HoloLens virtual reality device it announced back in January. HoloLens is a head-mounted, holographic computer with a depth camera that provides a mixed-reality experience for a range of applications. I briefly covered the HoloLens in a previous post and was… Read More

(Note, I’m posting this now, but its not done. But what I do want is feedback. Good list? Bad list? you have a better top 10? Tell me.) I finally got my Note 4 and start loading apps on the Samsung Gear VR and here is my top ten favorites.  Normally I do not include… Read More

 This past week was the REAL conference, an event organized mainly by Autodesk to explore the convergence of the professional 3D sensing, making & visualization industries.   From the website: “REAL is both an exclusive executive summit, REAL TALK, & a world’s fair of cutting-edge 3D demos, REAL LIVE. REAL is new and different: an immersive, hands-on,… Read More

… I’ve been here for years.. Song?  Anybody?  That’s right!  LL Cool J, ah a trip in the way back machine.  However, we are not going to talk about ’91 rap, instead we are going to talk about what VR was in ’91 when ‘Mama said knock you out,’ was released, then again in ’98… Read More

  The idea of immersing ourselves deeper into an augmented and or virtual reality has captivated many of us thanks to sci-fi books like Snow Crash and Rainbows End. It has also created an explosion in growth the past few years of Head Mounted Displays (HMD) and augmented reality glasses projects. AR glasses and HMDs… Read More

Sculpting in VR is nothing new.  Actually, very little in VR is new, instead its what happens when things get lighter, faster, cheaper.   Back in the 90’s we could create sculptures and move walls around in VR but it was very cumbersome, lacked the high feedback fidelity required to really make sculpting in VR productive… Read More

If you ever needed proof of a market demand for a new type of product, do a crowd funding raise.  Skully, producers of the cyber motorcycle helmet that gives the rider a Google Glass like HUD, is just about to pass the $1 million dollar mark for money raised.  The helmet is pretty cool.  Take… Read More

Last week at Google I/O, they sprang a cardboard phone holder that basically turn your smartphone into a VR HMD display device.  Its extremely  cleaver, and was quite the hit.  So much so, there is a strong demand for these guys even a week later.  Now we are hearing rumors that a plastic version of… Read More

Would it surprise you to hear that the architects, engineers, and construction companies that build the world’s most amazing buildings can be luddites when it comes to using new tech? Whether it’s using tech to solve problems, manage systems, create new possibilities, the AEC industry is famously conservative and tech averse. We’re in the middle… Read More

Intel recently announced the winners of their Perceptual Computing Challenge. The Grand Prize went to Shunsuke Nakamura of Shikumi Design in Japan. This application creates music and graphics by detecting user’s motion. Users don’t play the musical instruments, they just move their body parts, and play music and produce graphics. It generates new ways of performing… Read More

Have you seen the game trailers for Watch Dogs? In the game, the player is a cyber-vigilante that explores a connected ‘smart’ city and accesses its 2D and 3D information like a high tech Batman. As an example of this, the game even has a website called We Are Data that shows real geo-located information… Read More