Yesterday a story came out about New York authoring 5000 driver-less cabs for limited use.  Here is the thing though.  You know,  YOU KNOW, some people are going to have sex in those cars.  Having condoms you can buy in the car will be a money maker.  Basically people will get into the cabs, and… Read More

So sweet. I had to login to Reddit just to upvote the rant and comment.  Instead of reprinting the text, I screenshot it for justice.   The basics of this is someone ranting, and rightly so, that a grilled cheese is ONLY bread and cheese.  You add anything else and its a melt.  Now one may… Read More

Here is a great life hack.  If you do not need ice for your drinks, then put something else in there.  Like candy!  Of course you can put fruit or mochi or anything else that is small and taste good either frozen or just thawed.  I can see berries or grapes as well.  I wonder… Read More

Now, have you ever been adding a bunch of numbers and thought, man this feel kinda slow.  Never mind its so fast you cant even think straight before the screen updates, that not the point.  ANYTHING is better when its faster.  Well, almost anything.  So I post a set of pics from imgur, via Reddit… Read More

Not much more I can say here.  A fap gauge for the Pebble smart watch.  FapGauge. Pretty straight forward: – up button starts recording – down button stops – long press on the select button erases the highscore Records how long you take, how many faps total end faps per second. The highest fps is… Read More

{Update:  Sigh.  So my wife read this and she said a Japanese wife living in the US got this from her husband and shared it on a Japanese site.  Every now and again, subtleties of language cause a mix up.  Still pretty funny though. } I have been dating and recently married to a Japanese… Read More

It did not happen over night.  Back when I first got Brandi, my orange fur ball, I did what most single guys do at the time.  Go to the store and buy whatever dry cat food was on sale.  She was not thrilled with it, but liked it well enough.  And life was good. However,… Read More

A while back I wrote about a funny site that took Peanuts comics and replaced the text with random tweets.  Well some decided it would be a cool idea to do the same thing but instead replace text with lyrics from the Smiths.  Now, if you are not a full blooded Smiths fan, these will… Read More

Success Gorilla was successful.   That is all. Here is the source. View post on… Read More

Did you know that the McBain clips in the Simpsons actually make a complete episode if you stitch them together?  Neither did I.  So credit Gawker for putting this together. Now I present you with episode 1, McBain – you have the right to remain dead. {edit}  The links does not work anymore.  Go to… Read More

Just saw this on Reddit.  Had to share.  What does this have to do with games or technology?  Nothing.  Just pure food porn. Ingredients: Muffin Tin (Non-stick is best) 6 large/x-large eggs Bacon stripsandbaconstripsandbaconstripsIhadtousethisfeature. Bread circles slightly larger then the bottom of the muffin tin. (I used a cup and pressed out the centre of… Read More

Wait what?  A post about bunnies???  WTF is going on here?? Relax, this is just a test post. When you do WP dev, sometimes you need a place to store test stories, this is one of them.  And its BUNNIES!  Are you so jaded in life you cannot be cool with bunnies? Bunnies are great,… Read More