A repost from VentureBeat and super funny. A bad day for the Burger King social media team, but probably the best thing to happen to Burger King on Twitter. The comments from the Twitterverse about this are the best. Definitely, “Have it your way!” http://venturebeat.com/2013/02/18/burger-kings-twitter-hacked/  … Read More

Yes, this is pure dorky goodness, but I dont care. It works!   I got this retro phone handset on sale for under $10. Last one at Bed and Bath in fact. The funny thing is, just like the original iphone phone handle, this is practical. Its kind of funny how popular this is.  Go on… Read More

I’m not going to go into the history here, you can figure it out.  I had a few close people go though cancer.  Its not fun, but when you beat it, its big.  Best wishing XKCD(er). Permanent link to this comic: http://xkcd.com/1141/ Image URL (for hotlinking/embedding): http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/two_years.png… Read More

Along with the release of the iPhone 5 Steve jobs comes back from the dead to rap battle Cook.  Although Cook does not bad.  How could would that have been?  Its actually a pretty good song believe it or not.  Props to Mondo.… Read More

Leave it to LongCat to make it perfectly clear how much larger the screen of the iphone5 is compared to the iphone4.. Love it. BTW, if you did not already know Apple moved from 3.5 to 4 inches.  Not a large screen size, but bigger. Enjoy! Credit re1jo from Reddit for this.… Read More

I have been trying to get into Reddit since the started and its totally down. Check out the post from venturebeat with more info in case you do not know what IAMA means.  Normally, unless you are a Redditor, you would not even know about this and thus, “I” would be able to see this.… Read More

Ah never mind.  This tuned out to be fake.  Oh but I wish it was true.  🙂   This is just TOO good.  I read a story in thepaperblog on how Samsung paid Apple in nickles!  30 Trucks full! Seems the laywer forgot to include any clause about HOW to make the payments.  Nice.  Seems… Read More

Remember the crowd-funding effort to build a museum to honor scientist Nikola Tesla that Matthew Inman, creator of the Oatmeal started?  Well guess what. In a week he already reached his goal of $850,000.  Wow. The funds will be used to buy land in Shoreham, N.Y., where Tesla’s last laboratory was located. Now this does… Read More

The news is moving through the blogs now, so I will assume you already know that the ‘new’ asymmetric screw was a fake.  This happen quite a bit with Apple, especially around new iphone / ipad releases. But what was different about this rumor was the post analysis by the guys who started the rumor… Read More

Not a lot to say here except, this guy did a find job and though desired a little love. Here is more info from the post on Reddit. I had it engraved (for free!) at Maker Faire 2010. While it was going, someone else came up and asked if they could do it on theirs,… Read More

I saw this on VentureBeat and thought I would put a summery together, check out the full post if you have the time.  But before we get started, I chose Scumbag Steve for a reason, I think cheating at social games is pretty weak. I mean really, its suppose to be a fun relating thing,… Read More

IT’S FUTURE DAY!  For those that do not remember, or did not see the movie back to the future, Doc set his DeLorean to a future day.  And that is today! What do we do with this news??  No idea. {UPDATE}  Just read in Mashable Turns out this is a hoax. The actual date —… Read More

Google created the largest neural networks for machine learning by connecting 16,000 computer processors.  And what did they do with all this power?  Watch videos of course. Presented with 10 million digital images found in YouTube videos, what did Google’s brain do? What millions of humans do with YouTube: looked for cats.  From the NYT… Read More

This is a great video for all those Portal fans out there. Now if you are asking; ‘What is Portal?’  It’s an addictive puzzle game where the player has a portal gun which opens two portals between surfaces, allowing players to literally walk through walls.  This is a bit of an over simplication, but watch… Read More

Forget TechCrunch, Venturebeat, New York Times .. heck, forget HuffPo or slash dot for that matter.   When you can get your app talked about on XKCD, well you now you have hit the bigtime.  And it sounds pretty cool if the new version can do this.  I think I have and older version of swiftkey… Read More

Win! While watching the TV show Big Bang Theory, I spotted an HP TC1100 being used by Shelden.  For those of you who do not know about the TC1100; its a VERY cool tablet convertible PC that was originally designed by Compaq.  Here is some background info from Wikipedia. Now what is missing from this… Read More