This is from an Anime called Zetmen. I know nothing of it.

This is from an Anime called Zetmen. I know nothing of it. Source:

{Update:  Sigh.  So my wife read this and she said a Japanese wife living in the US got this from her husband and shared it on a Japanese site.  Every now and again, subtleties of language cause a mix up.  Still pretty funny though. }

I have been dating and recently married to a Japanese girl. The first thing I had to get used to is that its not common in the Japanese custom to say ‘I love you’ very often.  Well, seems I was not the only one to notice this.  Someone decided awhile back to ask a number wives to text ‘I love you sweetheart’ to their husbands.  The results were pretty funny.  Although thinking about it, I’m not sure the reaction from me would be that much different.  I mean think about it.  Imagine you are at work and you get a random txt from your wife of 5+ years saying ‘I love you sweetheart’.  How would you react? My first thought would be, ‘what, did I miss our anniversary or something?’

What is kinda of funny is seeing how some of these replies got modified during translation.
There was a group of women at a seminar on how to live in a loving relationship with your husband. The women were asked, ‘How many of you love your husbands?’ All the women raised their hands. Then they were asked, ‘When was the last time you told your husband you loved him?’ Some women answered today, some yesterday, some didn’t remember. The women were then told to take their phones and send the following text: I love you, sweetheart. Then the women were told to exchange phones and read the responding text messages. Here are some of the replies.
1. Who is this?
2. Eh, mother of my children, are you sick?
3. I love you too.
4. What now? Did you crash the car again?
5. I don’t understand what you mean?
6. What did you do now? I won’t forgive you this time.
7. ?!?
8. Don’t beat about the bush, just tell me how much you need?
9. Am I dreaming?
10. If you don’t tell me who this message is actually for, someone will die.
11. I asked you not to drink anymore.
12. Your mother is coming to stay with us, isn’t she?

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