I have been living in the Bay Area since 92 when I left England and the Air Force to study Architecture at UC Berkeley.  As such, I know the streets if San Francisco pretty well now.  All the years I have driven (and motorcycled) in SF, I have always wished I could punch it a few times on some hills and sweet corners here have here.  Well, someone with a monster budget decided to do just that.  MIND BLOWING!!!   Watching this guys race, jump and drift through the streets I drive on almost everyday was insane.  Especially in the beginning where basically he was following my commute in to the city.

If you live in the SF are, or at least really know that streets here, you MUST watch this.  Even if you do not live or know San Francisco, watching Ken Blocks simply insane driving skills is reward in itself.  Man. I wish I could have seen this live.  Check of the vid folks.

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