Welcome to PeriVision Loops, currently home of Looping The Smiths, but hopefully that will expand to other artist as well in time. tl:dr for the last two years, just after Corona started up, I started playing guitar again, (mostly The Smiths) and then took up the hobby of ‘looping’ Looping is creating a song using… Read More

We shot this a month or more back, but did not upload it for some reason. Until now. This is a ‘work’ band and we shot this late at night in a cafeteria. Suppose to be this cool Space Odyssey -ish open with 360 vid cuts, but .. well you’ll see. I think its better… Read More

I just read an article about the world premier of  Neurowear‘s new mood-sensing Mico headphones. Neurowear designs and prototypes new products and services based on biological signals such as brain waves, heartbeat, etc. The Mico headphones read your brainwaves and, with the help of their mobile app, chooses music you subconsciously “want” to hear. Nothing that is… Read More

Just came across the V Motion Project by Assembly which is a pretty cool use of the Kinect for creating music. Check out this music video with some dubstepping-hand-waving-DJing shot on the streets of Auckland,NZ. “This project combines the collective talents of musicians, dancers, programmers, designers and animators to create an amazing visual instrument. Creating… Read More

End of year holidays are coming and that means one thing. Lots of new iPads. There are even some that have got them early. So now that you have a new ipad, what apps should you put on it? Well, normally I would give a top 10, however, not everyone will use the ipad the… Read More

I’m sure how else to say but just microphone check as Groover kicks this jam with early holding the beat.  Ahhhh yeeaa..  The Sesame Street gang mix it up Beatie Boys Sure Shot. Its a great world with video editing becomes so easy that someone would take the time to make a music mashup like… Read More

I was lucky enough to be turned on to TurnTable.FM when it launched and have enjoyed it off and on ever since.  Last week, when we were planning the final details for VentureBeats Mobile/GameBeat conference, we talked about music.  I suggested we should create a Venturebeat room and let people DJ the breaks!  As it… Read More

I have not tried myself but it looks interesting.  An alternative to garage band and basic looping apps.   I wrote a bit about it here. Steathbee Jam Music App. Here is the press release.. Several months ago, when we launched Stealth Bee Jam for the iPad, we also sent you an email comparing Stealth Bee Jam… Read More

This is straight from my email box.  Just thought I would thought this up really quick in case there are any musicians out there that have not tried AmpliTube yet.   Dear Musician,        Join the 28,000 users who have registered their FREE Version of AmpliTube 3 with the new built-in Custom Shop… Read More

So, you really liked that demo of garage band that Apple showed for the iPad 2 eh?  Want it but already have the iPad 1? Well, how about something kind of like it?  But better in someways? Especially if you cannot play an instrument? Stealth Bee Jam is more like a mixer then a way… Read More

This has been out a few days and I have been checking out the videos. The video is a bit silly, but gets the point across. You do not play this like a normal guitar where you put your fingers on the strings to make chords.  Instead you select your chord with a finger and… Read More

This was funny.  I have a number of cassettes from ‘back in the day’.  Quite a large number in fact. So I decided that I would get my old cassette player and convert them to mp3 at work since I’m at the desk most of the day there anyway. So I packed my ‘ol cassette… Read More