As we all learned Cydia is still not available on the “Tethered” jailbreak that is available for iOS6 from . But that doesn’t mean that it is impossible to do.  The process is actually quite simple, and even someone with little programming skills can do it. So lets get it done.

All you need to do this is your device and a either terminal on a mac or a program like extra putty for windows.

  1. get your ip address for your device (located settings>wi-fi>your network)
  2. open up terminal or putty and type in “ssh root@”your ip address””
  3. then type in the password which is “alpine”
  4. then type in “wget -q -O /tmp/ && chmod 755 /tmp/ && /tmp/”

Your device will reboot, then open cydia and allow it to prepare the files, and reboot one more time.  Now you will have Cydia on your jailbroken iOS6 device


*NOTE* Not all tweaks and downloads are updated to be compatible with iOS6 yet.  But be patient, they will be soon.

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