this is the iphone 3gs with the tweaks. Excluding Multicon mover (it was camera shy

Today it seems, that as soon as someone gets their first “iDevice” they “jailbreak” so they can customize it. But you really making the best of your devices use? Especially when you just put apps like, flashlight, and sounds boards.
Here is a great list of 7 Tweaks that will make your spring board attractive, give it more utilization. and better yet …Make it your own.

1.) Five-colum springboard (free)- Its says what it does on the name. and with that feature you now able to put 20 Apps on your springboard instead of just 16
2.) Five-icon Dock (free)- Again, “it’s in the name” this way you don’t have to leave the “odd App out”. You can now put five on your dock. or if you want way more than that……
3.)Infinidock-(.99) This great tweak allows for you to put any chosen apps you want on to your dock. Wether it be 3,6, or 100 it doesn’t matter. Infinidock will just turn them into one big rolling index of Apps of 5 at a time.  And at .99 cents, i think its an amazing catch.
4.) Icon Renamer (free)- With this great app you can change the old time dried up names of any app you want to anything. From Pictures to Pics, or Messages to SMS. Whatever you want.
5.)Gridlock (1.99) Gridlock is one of the more pricy tweaks. But once you have it you will will never want to let it go. It works simply by allowing you to put an app where ever you choose to on the spring board with out it being “magically” dragged back to the end of the line, with the rest of your apps. Works seamlessly and yes, its addicting when you start making patterns.
6.) MultiCon Mover (free)- This Tweak is one of the best time savers you will ever get from Cydia. It allows you to select and move whatever app(s) you want to where ever you choose so on the spring board. You just simply hold one an App that you would like to move, once it shakes, tap it again and a red check will appear. Now continue tapping all the apps you would like to move. And when ready hold the last one down and slide them all together as a group to whatever folder or page on the spring board you would like.
7.)Weather Icon (free)- This tweak will change your dreary old Weather icon, into a vibrant new display of the weather outside. All sized down to the the size of the App icon. So if it 77 degrees and raining outside. Look at the icon and it will have raindrops and the temperature. Very simple and pleasing to the eye.

If you have any questions about these or anything else please e-mail me at, or simply visite my listed website

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