“ONE WEEK ONLY: biteSMS licenses on SALE HALF PRICE!!! Check out biteSMS, Settings, Themes…NICE!!! Added a ‘mark as read’ icon in the Apple banner roll notification. Added the ability to display the contact pic in the ‘Lock Screen Notification List’ (see biteSMS, Settings, More Stuff, Contact Pics). Better control of Quick Reply. See biteSMS, Settings, Quick Reply: Lock Mode and Unlock Mode. Fixed a whole heap of layout issues on the iPad. Fixed up issue with very new iPhones (currently in China) in relation to Emoji character encoding. For iOS 5.1: Fixed bug in Quick Compose volume HUD where we were restoring the wrong volume category. Fixed a bunch of minor bugs. ONE WEEK ONLY: biteSMS licenses on SALE HALF PRICE!!!”


That is exactly what “The BIGBOSS” on Cydia re-released today, trying to push an already amazing product.  BITESms is within my top 20 Cydia apps.   All i have to say is GET IT!!! If a 10 dollar app is half off after it was just updated for iOS6…. buy it!!!  I cant stress it it enough. BITESms is one of the best “aftermarket” apps/tweaks you can get only because you can personalize it. So go for it!


Any and all questions please feel free to “tweet” me @ichuckydee or shoot me an e-mail or you can check out my *NEW* FB @ www.facebook.com/ichucky.dee  i always respond..always !!! 🙂 ENJOY!!!

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