Just what IS up with Down Under? I heard a bit of buzz coming out of Australia regarding their Tech scene. On November 19th, 2014, Australian/ U.S. based xTV (backed by Australian based Applabs, UST Global and Archimedes Labs) announced the commencement of a new Go To Market campaign to help accelerate the adoption of… Read More

Sculpting in VR is nothing new.  Actually, very little in VR is new, instead its what happens when things get lighter, faster, cheaper.   Back in the 90’s we could create sculptures and move walls around in VR but it was very cumbersome, lacked the high feedback fidelity required to really make sculpting in VR productive… Read More

Ok, that was horrible and I should be bludgeon with a heavy brass object, however, once I explain what xTV is, perhaps you will forgive me a little bit. “ok, fine then, what is xTV?” XTV is a internet video service for the enterprise. (IPTV) But it’s not useful to just enterprise users.  Imagine you have… Read More

Before Windows Phone and the Windows Store, some of the software most associated with Microsoft was Office. But though the Office portfolio has undergone several updates and refreshes over the years, the lineup itself has remained relatively unchanged — until now. Microsoft rolled out a preview version of Sway , its new storytelling app, which… Read More

I took the 540 spin drive out of a new cheap laptop and decided to put an old SSD in.  Yes it totally makes a differnce.  However, when trying install off the USB drive, windows would not see the SSD I just installed.  After a number of trying and lots of searching, I found the… Read More

The disastrous iOS 8.0.1 update that curtailed users’ cellular signals and created other bugs earlier this week may have a connection to another major glitch in recent history: the shaky rollout of Apple Maps . The company said less than 40,000 users downloaded iOS 8.0.1 before it was pulled over an hour after its release… Read More