Just what IS up with Down Under? I heard a bit of buzz coming out of Australia regarding their Tech scene.

On November 19th, 2014, Australian/ U.S. based xTV (backed by Australian based Applabs, UST Global and Archimedes Labs) announced the commencement of a new Go To Market campaign to help accelerate the adoption of cloud based TV for the enterprise with UST Global and Microsoft.

Cloud has been the direction web has been going for a while now, but who’s ever heard of cloud based TV?

xTV offers a real-time platform that organizes an individual’s or company’s video content and  integrates their social media needs. All in one place, a personal or company wide .TV network, powered by Microsoft Azure, will update tailored selections from Youtube, Twitter, news services (RSS Feeds), stocks, and more.

Will the .tv domain replace the .com? xTV seems to think so.

Aussie Joe Ward, CEO of xTV, states “The combination of xTV, UST-Global and Microsoft is the perfect combination of complimentary offerings”.

“Enterprise Media is a tidal wave of new opportunity, evidenced by xTV’s strong customers and partners such as Microsoft, Intel & AOL” said Tony Velleca CIO of UST. He also states: “We’re looking forward to deploying xTV into many of our significant verticals and allowing xTV customers to tap into our 14,000 strong organizations to deploy any size online TV network.”

And what does Microsoft think?

Dianne O’Brien, senior director of business development for Cloud & Enterprise at Microsoft feels “The simplicity and speed of the xTV platform are key assets for our users,” and

“In a matter of minutes, Microsoft Azure customers can now build online TV networks that offer real-time TV experiences, helping maximize efficiency without impacting the quality or collaborative flexibility of the user experience. The result is rapid deployment of streaming media assets in one place for their employees, customers, partners and investors.”.

I am by no means and “enterprise” class business but would love to have my own cloud based .TV network. It seems to have a more “social” feel than a .com and would keep viewers engaged with my video content instead of them being steered away by YouTube suggestions.

For more info on xTV, check out Christopher Peri’s post titled “I Want My xTV”.



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