Just what IS up with Down Under? I heard a bit of buzz coming out of Australia regarding their Tech scene. On November 19th, 2014, Australian/ U.S. based xTV (backed by Australian based Applabs, UST Global and Archimedes Labs) announced the commencement of a new Go To Market campaign to help accelerate the adoption of… Read More

Before Windows Phone and the Windows Store, some of the software most associated with Microsoft was Office. But though the Office portfolio has undergone several updates and refreshes over the years, the lineup itself has remained relatively unchanged — until now. Microsoft rolled out a preview version of Sway , its new storytelling app, which… Read More

When out in the San Francisco/Silicon Valley tech scene it is not the AEC (Architecture, Engineering, Construction) industry I hear about leading the charge in technical innovation. It is the chatter of the millions given and insane evaluations of those either in the cloud, selling user data, social, gaming, or insert buzz word here. Yet… Read More

Well this is a treat.  Via reddit I checked out a preview of the new Microsoft.com preview website.  Its pretty clear they are all in with Metro, and also all in with 1 view from many devices as demonstrated by the use of dynamic media response. {Update}  Seems they have this redirecting now.  Shame. The… Read More

I heard about the Microsoft challenge where you would take your cell phone and try to do something faster then someone on a Microsoft Mobile 7 phone. If you can win, you get a laptop.  Given that they are doing this in the first place, I figured that this is fixed and as such I… Read More

Here is a pretty cool demonstration done by Laan Labs that takes the video and depth mapping information from a Microsoft Kinect and uses that data to create a 3D model for an augmented reality mobile application seen through the iPad 2. Basically how this works is you shoot something, like yourself, in front of… Read More

Here is a rather cool hack that connects a Microsoft Kinect device to a 3D avatar by German based Bitmanagement Software. Bitmanagement Software GmbH is a developer of real-time 3D rendering, augmented reality, and 2D/3D/video multimedia software and tools for interactive online capable applications on crossplatform consumer hardware, based on the international Web 3D standards… Read More

As an advocate of web3d and those efforts to make it ubiquitous, I have questioned why Microsoft has not supported WebGL in their Internet Explorer browser when every other browser maker does. Seems the problem for Microsoft with WebGL is over security concerns. A recent set of reports by UK-based Context Information Security, WebGL –… Read More

I was recently exposed to SVG Girl (thanks Avi) and as a fan of anime and web technology, what a treat! At first glance, SVG Girl looks like a video of an anime, in reality it is an interactive video using all Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG)! SVG is a family of specifications of an XML-based file format… Read More

Still recovering from an augmented reality that happened last week. The video footage below shows elements from the Augmented Reality Event (ARE) 2011 in Santa Clara, CA on May 17-18. This was the 2nd annual event of the largest conference dedicated to the business of augmented reality. Start-ups, developers, mobile and hardware companies along with… Read More

This week Layar, the mobile augmented reality platform, announced on their blog the launch of the Layer Player. The Layar Player is a unique piece of code that can be embedded directly within your own iPhone app. Yes, seems it only is available for iPhone apps. Nice thing is there are no licensing costs and… Read More

We all saw the report yesterday that windows phone 7 sales on release day were not that great. around 45,000 of not that great.  But it does not really matter. When I was looking at the phone I was not too impressed.  And in fact amused that it still, 30 days before launch, had bugs… Read More

The Kin was DOA for almost everyone who reviewed it.  It was basically a low feature, low capability smart phone that was not that smart, nor much of a phone, and yet still had the same cost of a phone. You HAVE to imagine that even the brain dead at MS mobile knew this was… Read More