I just saw this on reddit, dated Sept23.  This is really scary.  I just checked my meter and I use around 100g a month, but what if comcast decides, hey lets do more cost levels, say 50g, 100g, 200g.  THEN what?  Anyway, here is the text from xfinity themselves.  BTW, notice that you can save a WHOLE $5 if  you go from 300g to 5g a month!  WHAT???  BUT, go over, and its $10 per 50g… You have been warned.



Frequently asked questions about our data usage plans.

We’ll be launching multiple trial approaches, and here is an overview:

In the Nashville, Tennessee market, we have increased our monthly data usage plan for all XFINITY Internet tiers to 300 GB per month and also offer additional gigabytes in increments/blocks (e.g., $10.00 per 50 GB).

In the Tucson, Arizona market, we announced in 2012 that the data amount included with Economy Plus through Performance XFINITY Internet tiers would increase from 250 GB to 300 GB. Those customers subscribed to the Blast! Internet tier, have received an increase in their data usage plan to 350 GB; Extreme 50 customers have received an increase to 450 GB; Extreme 105 customers have received an increase to 600 GB. As in our other trial market areas, we offer additional gigabytes in increments/blocks of 50 GB for $10.00 each in the event the customer exceeds their included data amount.

In Huntsville and Mobile, Alabama; Atlanta, Augusta and Savannah, Georgia; Central Kentucky; Maine; Jackson, Mississippi; Knoxville and Memphis, Tennessee and Charleston, South Carolina, we have begun a trial which will increase our data usage plan for all XFINITY Internet tiers to 300 GB per month and will offer additional gigabytes in increments/blocks (e.g., $10.00 per 50 GB).  In this trial, XFINITY Internet Economy Plus customers can choose to enroll in the Flexible-Data Option to receive a $5.00 credit on their monthly bill and reduce their data usage plan from 300 GB to 5 GB. If customers choose this option and use more than 5 GB of data in any given month, they will not receive the $5.00 credit and will be charged an additional $1.00 for each gigabyte of data used over the 5 GB included in the Flexible-Data Option.

In Fresno, California, Economy Plus customers also have the option of enrolling in the Flexible-Data Option.

Each of these options requires that those who choose to use more of the service pay more than others. The Flexible-Data Option adds an alternative, permitting those who choose to use less to pay less.

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