IMG_0146There are two ways to write a pebble app, use c code and release to the Pebble store, or as I have done with NewsSnacker, write in JavaScript and release to the Pebble app store.  They only problem is Apple has not released an update to allow iOS users to install apps written in JavaScript.   However, there is a way around this.  Place your Pebble app into developer mode and download the app you want directly.

So with NewsSnacker, on an iOS device, go to Settings and then scroll down to Pebble near the bottom.  Click on Pebble and then look for Developer mode.  Turn this on.   Now you can load apps directly.   So with NewsSnacker, ( Download NewsSnacker here ) and it will ask what application you want to use to upload it.  Select Pebble and it should install the app.  And that’s it!


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