With exception to cut and paste, there was not much that I though was really useful in 3.0, but there are a few.. here is #16 Open Link In New Tab In Safari Safari now uses tabbed browsing, like big boys do on the desktops, and this new hidden feature is great. If you tap… Read More

I wrote this article for iphoneLife over 1/2 a year ago.  For those who remember before the 2.1 update on the 3G, dropped calls was a continual pain.  Well, I’m not sure what the story is; or if its just odd coincidence, I and others have been having issues with dropped calls once we did… Read More

First off, I’m not your typical user, and if you read my blog you would know this; I use jailbreak and LOVE it. However, I also cannot resist experimenting with the iPhone, so once I felt satisfied I heard the jailbreak for 3.0 was relatively stable, I decided to go for it.  However, just as an… Read More

{note: if you are looking for the stencil story, click here } I’m drafting an article about twitter applications for the iphone. (if you have a fav iphone twitter app, let me know). I changed my password while I test out some apps and I’ve experienced some login issues.  It’s even messed up twittFilter. (for… Read More

Yes, AGAIN, PdaNet to the rescue.  At the 140tc conference today, the wireless was in and out.  I needed to do some updates to twittfilter and the FTP updates failed because of the wireless. I then gave up on the wireless and pulled out the trusty PdaNet app.  Here is a hint though, if you… Read More

If  you have categories on your iphone, you may have noticed that when you update an app, it creates a new icon on the iphone’s ‘desktop’.  The fix? Simply refresh categories.  Here are the steps… 1) Open categories 2) open any folder 3) click add.. You do NOT have to add anything 4) close and… Read More

The dev team is on the ball, as expected. I never upgraded to 2.2.1 because I did not want to bother with it. Note, QuickPwn has been updated to version 2.2.5-2 for the windows users. Remember QuickPwn and PwnageTool are not the same things.. so read up. Here is the link http://blog.iphone-dev.org/ Remember, normal rules… Read More

We all know that the camera on the iphone is about as poor as it gets.  Basically its the same thing I had in my treo600/650. I’ve learn to accept this and move on with life.  Well, seems like someone was not willing to take this laying down and did something about it. In comes… Read More

When I first got my Griffin Clarifi Macro lens for my iphone, I was pretty happy, but then I realized there is one down side.  I keep the lens closed to protect the iphones lens, which is a great plus I did not think about.  But I also don’t think about removing the lens when… Read More

It’s taken awhile, but finally a function I have really missed when I used to have my treo. I have a limited phone plan, so keeping track of my cell minutes is important, but more importantly, I need to know where my minutes are going.  Although you can go on the web to get your… Read More

I have said this many times, and just in case you missed it, I really HATE the iphone keyboard.  Yea, I used to be a Treo user and really liked having a real keyboard. I normally tell people who do lots of texting or phone based emails, to get a blackberry instead of an iphone… Read More