itunes-redeemEvery now and again, I get an email asking me to review an iphone app or provide feedback as its being developed.  Sometimes I’m asked pretty early so I’m sent screen shots or compiled code, but most of the time its in the App store. Someone once asked me how to put in the code in itunes and I said, ‘look it up on google, I’m sure its all over the place‘.  Opps.  Seems I’m wrong there.  I did a search myself and came up with only one site!  So, just to make the search a bit easier for people, here are the steps.

Open iTunes, make sure you are on the home page.

On the right hand side, you should see something called ‘Quick Links’.

Click on ‘Redeem’ and type into the field.

iTunes will download the app and will put it on your phone on the next sync.

There ya go!

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