This is just a rant, but I know its true.  Now as a guy, most of the time I go to the restroom, larger ones, not the single user ones, its a pretty quick story.  I know for women its not the case, and still, we make men’s and women’s restrooms the same size.  That’s… Read More

So sweet. I had to login to Reddit just to upvote the rant and comment.  Instead of reprinting the text, I screenshot it for justice.   The basics of this is someone ranting, and rightly so, that a grilled cheese is ONLY bread and cheese.  You add anything else and its a melt.  Now one may… Read More

The following text was posted by Lee Brimelow and first spotted by my on TechCrunch.. He replied to the Apple d**k move of locking out any dev’s but X dev’s. More on that here.. So here is his post, in parts.  Go to Lee Brimelow on his Flash Blog to read the whole statement. By… Read More

I’ve been thinking about writing a post on how silly is to get AT&T’s GPS driving directions app/service at 9.99 a month when you can buy a turn-by-turn apps for around $50.  That’s another post. But now I just read on AppleInsider that Loopt has an agreement with AT&T to provide constant location updates for… Read More

I’ve heard this rumor a few times before, but given the recent uptick in AT&T complaints, and a seemingly upper growth cap on iphones, I can see it.  And I really hope so.  I have already complained many times about the poor service in SOMA in the SF area. Here is the part of Piper… Read More

When this story first broke 2 days ago, I though; well they are going to release a patch pretty soon given that the vulnerability is going to be released today at the black hat hackers meeting. Well, guess what I read in CNET?  Apple new about this for 6 weeks!!!  Are you kidding me? From… Read More

Warning, this is more of a rant then anything.. I want a bloody keyboard for my smart phone.   There are many thing about the iphone that really pisses me off, but so far, only android comes close to the experience.  I was excited about the palm pre till I tried the keyboard.. too small.  The… Read More

A new twitter game has started up called Spymaster. The backlash has already started, but there is still enough spymaster messages out there that make me want to write a filter (on twittfilter) to hide all tweets with spymaster on it.  Now if you remember back at SXSW, there was something similar called Assassin where… Read More

I cannot believe, given how far we have come in social media and community involvement that Palm fails to recognize the value of a strong ‘PRO PALM’ community.  From Scott via slashdot “… The preDevCamp started as a community-driven effort designed to mirror the iPhoneDevCamp based on the new “Pre” product announced by Palm. Unfortunately,… Read More

Arrgg.. every time I read anything about the FAIL on getting flash running on the iphone, it just bugs the heck out of me.  So guess what I read today from cnet? ‘Lynch demonstrated Flash Player 10 on devices running Nokia’s Symbian operating system, Microsoft’s Windows Mobile, and Google’s Android operating system. But the quintessential… Read More

ARrrrggg…  I really liked the old version of igoogle for the iphone.  So today, they changed the format to a general mobile version.  Worse, I have to reselect my tabs again. Fortunately when you select ‘Add Stuff’ at the bottom of the page, my tabs from the desktop format is there, but still,  Grrr.. This… Read More

I really like SimCity for the iphone.  I think they did a great job, esp with the UI.  I still enjoy and lose far more time then intended playing it.  However, there are a number of things that just really piss me off.  Ok, so EA, if you are reading this, take notes..  Beginning rant….… Read More

Except for a few that really makes me feel embarrassed to even be in the same stands with them. Now this is not a comment on the game today, in fact if you want to read someone who knows what he’s talking about, read hughbauns blog. Today Cal played its opener against Mich St. Was… Read More

Sigh.. Ok, another rant on why I regret going to the new iphone.. <rant> During a phone call, quite often the keypad will be displayed and active.  So I will be talking and either I hear beeps, mostly the key “2” or the other phone pad will show up and I’ll brush against the mute… Read More

And why does it sux? Is it the fact that the screen has this faded yellow shade to it? Naw, I can get used to that. I’m sure they made it warmer to extend battery life. A hack will come along to resolve it. Is it the fact that all those cool programs from 1.1.x… Read More