The disastrous iOS 8.0.1 update that curtailed users’ cellular signals and created other bugs earlier this week may have a connection to another major glitch in recent history: the shaky rollout of Apple Maps . The company said less than 40,000 users downloaded iOS 8.0.1 before it was pulled over an hour after its release… Read More

This adventure never ends and the odds of me getting a touchpad for $99 is slipping to nill.  I posted a bit ago that I was able to order a machine though Barnes & Noble.  Well I just got an email cancelling the order: Due to unexpected customer demand for this item, our inventory was… Read More

I’m astonded at this, and as a biker, I feel I have to try and pass the word and hopefully SOMEONE can pass this on to get more attention.  I read this on reddit where you can get more information. Last month,  Jan Morgan was hit while riding her bicycle training for an Ironman. It… Read More

Sometime, you just have to shake you head when a company as large as AT&T fails in its attempt to convince people that its not the death star.  First seem in Ars Technica, AT&T tried to convince everyone that T-Mobile its low grade, not worth talking about and that this really will not change the… Read More

Caution! Arrgg.. This will be a total rant post. <rant>  WTF Microsoft??  I was asked to build a simple application for windows mobile 7.  No prob.  Its been out long enough that I would think all the bugs are out.  Its a simple enough app, whip this guy out in 2 weeks top.  Right.. So… Read More

That was fast!!   I have been trying to get into the site since 2:30pm pst and it was failing.  Now I get a screen saying they have sold out on the pre-order?  WTH??  Sold out THIS fast?  That makes NOOOO sense.  I have a feeling something is up but not sure.  However, given that the… Read More

Sigh.  I was going to do this last night and got sidetracked with server issues and then sleep. So I decided to try and order my iPhone from Verizon now and guess what?  Server overload. I guess that is to be expected.  Can’t wait to see how many orders they had in 1 day. Update: … Read More

Rockmelt crashed the first time I launched the browser, which is always a bad way to start with a new program. I opened up the two webmail systems that I use and another tab in the same window for browsing. I sign in to Twitter three times and get the ever spinning circle. The Facebook integration is better, it is fairly robust, meaning I saw status messages.… Read More

Sigh…  Ok, so here is the basics. Seems that any alarm that is set to repeat will not work correctly after daylight saving change.  The fix from apple is to simply erase and recreate the alert.  Great.  Unless you have yearly repeating events, then you will have to go through the year and fix each… Read More

The Kin was DOA for almost everyone who reviewed it.  It was basically a low feature, low capability smart phone that was not that smart, nor much of a phone, and yet still had the same cost of a phone. You HAVE to imagine that even the brain dead at MS mobile knew this was… Read More

Well, Adobe gave up the ghost and has announced that it will no longer continue to invest in building a tool that will allow Actionscript programmers to write for the iphone.  Although the shock of Apples c*(k -blocking has already warn off, its still a bit depressing. There has been many arguments that Apple needed… Read More

The following text was posted by Lee Brimelow and first spotted by my on TechCrunch.. He replied to the Apple d**k move of locking out any dev’s but X dev’s. More on that here.. So here is his post, in parts.  Go to Lee Brimelow on his Flash Blog to read the whole statement. By… Read More