I’m astonded at this, and as a biker, I feel I have to try and pass the word and hopefully SOMEONE can pass this on to get more attention.  I read this on reddit where you can get more information.

Last month,  Jan Morgan was hit while riding her bicycle training for an Ironman. It was a straight road (no turns or hills) and the sun could not have been in the driver’s eyes. The car hit them from behind at full speed. At first glance you might think this was an accident. BUT Robbie Norton, the woman who hit Jan, got out of the car, looked at Jan, yelled at her for cycling in the road, got back in her car and ran Jan over again. There were multiple witnesses who stopped Robbie Norton by dragging her out of the car.

The problem is, we’ve just learned they do not intend on pressing charges. Reason? The District Attorney, Forrest Allgood, says there are no laws in Mississippi to protect cyclists from this.

Her husband David Morgan and son Sean Dyess would like national attention in an effort to call for cycling safety advocacy.





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