This is full on rumor, but heck, sounds legit.  This is coming from Gizmodo AU As rumoured, Google’s going to announce a 7-inch, Nexus-branded tablet called the Nexus 7. According to the leak, it’s built by Asus, with a 1.3Ghz quad-core Tegra 3 processor, GeForce 12-core GPU and 1GB of RAM with two different storage… Read More

Win! While watching the TV show Big Bang Theory, I spotted an HP TC1100 being used by Shelden.  For those of you who do not know about the TC1100; its a VERY cool tablet convertible PC that was originally designed by Compaq.  Here is some background info from Wikipedia. Now what is missing from this… Read More

As a TC1100 fan, I was looking up installing Windows 8 on my machine.  Although installing the wifi card is a bit tricky you can still do it.  And for fun I checked up on the TC1100 wiki page only to see the reference to popular culture section deleted!  WTH?  So I grabbed an old… Read More

Well we know its just a matter of time before we have a sub $100 tablet, but most of us expect it to be a race to the bottom for creating a tablet powerful enough to be useful, but only ‘just’ powerful enough. Well break out the rumor books, looks like Google is pushing to… Read More

Mobile developer Qubop Inc. has just released a new casual game called Bubble Scoop, described as an “ice-cream themed puzzle shooter”. The object is to match ice cream scoops of the same color by firing them from a moving truck, and watching them vanish in a shower of particle effects. Each level is completed by… Read More

We all know that the iPad’s main value is as a media consumption device. Well what about in the kitchen?  Of the workshop?  Would be nice to mount it on a wall right.  And I know, there are a number of them out there, but I wanted to share this one.  Its Clean. Something I… Read More

Last month I said it would believe it when I see a sub $50 tablet, well know I’ve seen it from VentureBeat.  It costs around $45 to build, but with a $10 discount from the government, we have a $35 tablet. Now this is just for India keep in mind and targeted for some of… Read More

This adventure never ends and the odds of me getting a touchpad for $99 is slipping to nill.  I posted a bit ago that I was able to order a machine though Barnes & Noble.  Well I just got an email cancelling the order: Due to unexpected customer demand for this item, our inventory was… Read More

So we all heard about HP giving up the ghost on their webOS hardware unit.  I was expected that there would be a sale to get rid of these units.  But $99??  Wow, I’m sure that is pretty far below cost!  Right now its live in Canada, but first chance in show up in the… Read More