There has been lots of talk about self driving cars and how they will change the world, and they will, but before that happens, a just as big change will come to trucking. Imagine a long line of trucks all super close together getting 2x the gas or electric mileages because of drafting. Drivers would… Read More

My wife come in and asked me to listen to a voice mail. It was a recording of someone with an english accent saying that he was from the IRS and they have been trying to reach out to her for a 1040 audit. ( WTH is a 1040 audit anyway?) They never used her… Read More

ok, I need to cross check these cheat codes I got off the web, but I’m going to place them here and then check up on them keep or remove each cheat code as I verify them.  BTW, there are not cheats as much as they are steam mods. In the main menu section click… Read More

(Note, I’m posting this now, but its not done. But what I do want is feedback. Good list? Bad list? you have a better top 10? Tell me.) I finally got my Note 4 and start loading apps on the Samsung Gear VR and here is my top ten favorites.  Normally I do not include… Read More

… I’ve been here for years.. Song?  Anybody?  That’s right!  LL Cool J, ah a trip in the way back machine.  However, we are not going to talk about ’91 rap, instead we are going to talk about what VR was in ’91 when ‘Mama said knock you out,’ was released, then again in ’98… Read More

So sweet. I had to login to Reddit just to upvote the rant and comment.  Instead of reprinting the text, I screenshot it for justice.   The basics of this is someone ranting, and rightly so, that a grilled cheese is ONLY bread and cheese.  You add anything else and its a melt.  Now one may… Read More

Sculpting in VR is nothing new.  Actually, very little in VR is new, instead its what happens when things get lighter, faster, cheaper.   Back in the 90’s we could create sculptures and move walls around in VR but it was very cumbersome, lacked the high feedback fidelity required to really make sculpting in VR productive… Read More