November 24, 2016 | perivision | Leave a comment Although Google Cardboard, Samsung GearVR and the numerous copy cats have basically assumed the user will not have a controller, with exception to some GearVR titles that require a gamepad, the basic UI of most VR apps rely on gaze control or the track-pad on seen on the GearVR. And for a first try at VR, the trackpad was not the worst idea in the world. It was cheap to make, there is no set up, nothing to charge and you will not lose it. All good points. So good in fact, that I really hope future GearVR headsets keep the pad. However, for immersion, UI/UX and general VR happiness, you really need a controller… and a controller you can see in the VR world. For those of you who have yet to try the Daydream, its mostly a really nice Cardboard with a higher spec phone for better rendering and head-tracking. (I talk about this in my previous post) But what is really different, and IMOP better, is the controller. Its not the design of the controller is all that great, its the fact that its there! Having this sense of presence both from the haptics of my hand as well as my head movement greatly improves immersion and enjoyment. The presence of a controller my not seem like a big deal, but it is. What is really great about the Google Daydream is the commitment of a controller. When you buy a headset, it comes with one. Thus app devs can always rely on the fact a controller will be there. This certainty is what we are missing today. And Samsung and other other headset makers can take cue and make it a requirement for their systems as well. Unfortunately, as I understand it the Daydream controller will NOT work on other systems, but look for others to fill this market. Also coming is the mobile stand-alone headset. I do not expect to see anything beyond POC at CES2017, but I fully expect that towards the end of 2017, we should see a few come out. These devices will have controllers as well, allowing devs to leverage previous work on the Daydream and GearVR systems into the new stand alone systems. Also watch for 6DOF controllers as well.. This will be a bit harder to crack. 🙂 Share and Enjoy !Shares