I’ve heard this rumor a few times before, but given the recent uptick in AT&T complaints, and a seemingly upper growth cap on iphones, I can see it.  And I really hope so.  I have already complained many times about the poor service in SOMA in the SF area. Here is the part of Piper… Read More

I’ve been waiting for this!!  Yes, as a hard core Microsoft OneNote user (remember, I’m all about tablets) I have been wishing there was a way to view my OneNote files on the iphone.  Although still in Alpha, and believe me, as a tester it’s in Alpha, we finally have it.  But wait! there’s more..… Read More

What? You never hear of Steve Martin’s ‘The Jerk? Never mind. So the new iphone facebook app is out.  You need to delete the old copy and install it anew until Apple updates its store.  It’s not overwhelmingly great or anything, but its IS better. ‘Couse, everyone is trying out the new app so you… Read More

Yup, the French have beaten us again.  First it was first with Pomme Frites (French Fries), now with AR.  The apple store can be so random at times.   Well, since I’m in the SF Bay Area, I cannot test this out myself, but it looks cool.  According to Marshall Kirkpatrick (ReadWriteWeb) French app development shop… Read More

This is kinda neat.  I did not try ‘TestRides‘ (by Wildlab) myself, but I like the idea.   Basically, you take a picture of yourself, select key body points to provide an overall measurement set, and then calculate and display the best bike size for your body.  Sweet!  For people who do not do a lot… Read More

Like I’m surprised here.  Over 90% of people surveyed like their iphone, 1/3 dislike AT&T.  I already decided to give t-mobile on my HTC a try once I get my trail account up and running, which is another story.  But read this from computer world.. “the latest ChangeWave survey, which polled nearly 200 owners of… Read More

As I reported a few months back, I noticed an uptick on dropped calls and overall poorer performance when I upgraded from 2.x to 3.0. Basically it felt like the phone reverted to the same performance levels before the 2.1 upgrade.  So I hoped it was a simple visioning error and the 3.0.1 would take… Read More

So now we can get Qik from the Apple store, BUT no live streaming.  Piff..  However, Qik does have two cool features; it will upload the video automatically when you have stopped filming, and it will Geo tag that video.  Nice eh?  So its not live steaming, but if you are shooting is short bursts,… Read More

I like Scrabble even though I’m not very good at it.  However, I have a few friends that are just NUTS for the game.  So when this press release came in my email today I thought I would share it out. 🙂   Oh, and wonder why they cannot call it ‘Scrabble”  Trademarked my friend!… Read More

I wrote an article for iphoneLife looking at a sampling of twitter applications for the iphone. The idea of the article was not to exhaustively compare and rate them because that is a losing battle.  Everyone uses twitter differently and as such, what is a great app for some people, is overkill for others.  So… Read More

Read this in Gizmodo: Seem Apple will have a patch out to take care of the SMS hijack issue tomorrow after knowing for .. what .. 6 WEEKS??  Oh, but 24 hours after everyone knows about it, AND people are yelling their collective heads off for a fix, AND it gets demo’ed and released at… Read More

When this story first broke 2 days ago, I though; well they are going to release a patch pretty soon given that the vulnerability is going to be released today at the black hat hackers meeting. Well, guess what I read in CNET?  Apple new about this for 6 weeks!!!  Are you kidding me? From… Read More

Yup, almost time for another iphonedevcamp.  What? You did not go last year?  What’s wrong with you?  If you have an iPhone and have ANY interest to building or help build what everyone will see either at the end of this weekend or the end of the year, this is the place to be. So,… Read More

They said yesterday that they would put it on Cydia and last night, ‘poof’ it appeared.  I downloaded the app and it seems to work fine so far.  So go get it already! Do not know what I’m talking about?  Well Google Voice was submitted to the Apple Store, which was personally approved last April… Read More

It never seems to end…  Apple rejected Google Voice and removed GV Mobile from the app store. This is really a pain because I JUST got a work blackberry and will need to start managing my communication a little better.  Being able to do that from my iPhone would be perfect. Seems Apple (read AT&T?)… Read More

I ran out of business cards a few months back and never bothered to get more. As such, I find myself in a spot when people ask for my card.  Normally I take theirs and intend to email them when I get home. However, as with business cards since as far back as I can… Read More

Read this in the LA Times.  No Augmented Reality Apps till iphone 3.1 comes out.  Why? Because part of what make this work is a function called ‘camera viewer’. This is a ‘restricted’ function and we should be playing with it.  But, when 3.1 comes out, we can!  huh? What difference does that make?  Sure… Read More

It might be. I just noticed today that when I go to maps I get a pop up for my location that allows me to share it out via email. I’m sure this is part of 3.0 and why I have noticed it till now I have no idea. If it IS new, then I’m… Read More