Last week I talked about how near 30% of current ebook owners would have bought the iPad if it had been available. Well, another study from arstechnica states that %4o of blackberry users will go to a smart phone when their contract is up.. Many of them going to the iphone.  Its pretty clear that… Read More

So let me count how many people are surprised by this… Show of hands??   Hmmm just you in the back?  Work for Microsoft?  Yea, ok figured.  Just a quick look around San Francisco and you can see the number of Android phones are starting to make enough of an impression that they are starting to… Read More

Om Malik from GigaOm started a rumor (and I only say rumor to be safe) that Mozilla is planning something for the iphone. Now the first thought is; “Hey!  Firefox on the iphone! ” Yeah.  As sweet as that would be, and you bet it would be sweet because the browsing experience on the iphone… Read More

I wrote this as a companion piece for an article that may show up in the next issue of iphoneLife, but I thought I would include it here and now since AR is getting more relevant.  Also, one of the things I said NEEDS to part of the AR toolkit for iphone (mobile) got a… Read More

My nephew Jared turned me on to this app. is still in Alpha and only on jailbreak at the moment.  At some point they will release it via the app store, but without backgrounder, I’m not sure how useful it is. The app is simple enough; every 5sec or 1min it checks for new… Read More

This is great news, and WAY faster then I expected it.  Right now, there is not a solution for real time collaboration for mobile devices, and given limitations of screen real estate , memory and CPU power, its not surprising.   The great part about flash, is how easy it is to build modules and swap… Read More

Just showed up today, at least I noticed it today. When you do a google search on the iphone, you now get options like on the desktop. Its not full featured, meaning we still do not have an advanced option, but still, bit by bit, google is providing a rich experience through the mobile web… Read More

This just came out today.  Its pretty fun.  You can edit a photo, crop, apply a filter, etc..  Pretty cool really. You can do the basics that you would expect: cropping, changing exposure, convert to black and white, change contrast.  There are some basic filters too; sketching, blurring, image border, I like the rainbow filter,… Read More

Straight from the web site!  I will update as I learn more. * I just tried one of the apps, and it works great.  And that is not surprising because is coco, but still, anytime you go from one language to another there are risks.  But so far, so good. 3 of the demo apps… Read More

I saw this in TC and have not seen it myself, but I will keep an eye out over the weekend.  Basically, you could have a ad for beer or a bike shop or something based on the search.  Also, it SEEMS uses can inject items into maps, but I think its more of where… Read More

I use Stitcher anytime I’m on a long drive.  Normally between SF and Sacramento. What I like about Stitcher is the number of offerings, but mostly because its the only place I can get BBC radio, short of downloading a podcast, which I will not do. So today I got a press release saying they… Read More

I like Tweetie.  I wrote an article for iphonelife on iphone twitter apps (it not out yet, but here is a short version) and of all the apps I tried, I used tweetie the most when I’m not using twittFilter. (twittFilter is a web app and my fave given that I wrote it).  So Gizmodo,… Read More

I just saw this on and have not dug into it yet, but I will later today.  But I thought I better get this out now. from the article… Exchange 2007 will only communicate with devices that have encryption embedded into the hardware, which iPhones older than the 3GS version do not have. However,… Read More

I got the email telling me FourSquare 1.4 is out.  I ran outside (because my iphone does not work in my office) updated the app, played with it, took a few screen shots, and then sat down to write about it. And then I took a quick look at the email again and techcrunch did… Read More

I have not hidden the fact I have complaints with the iphone and AT&T, but all in all, I still regard the iPhone as the best smart phone out there.  Till just recently.. I have the Android HTC from the Google show, but I have only played with it off and on.  Lately, AT&T service… Read More