I just posted a few hours ago that we are going to see a rush of new augmented reality apps soon, and then I get an email for a new app that does the basics you would expect, and it looks pretty nice. This one will work on 3GS phones, but without the fancy AR bits of course.   Its a buck in the Apple store.

Here are some details about how the application works:

– Vertical position: 360-degree view of all POI nearby your location, updated in real time as you walk in the streets.

– Horizontal position: List of all nearest POI. When a POI is selected, a blue arrow (compass) is displayed to show the direction and the distance to that POI.

– The application is fully compatible with Google Map. It is possible to locate the nearest POI from your position on Google Map within the application. Works on all iPhone models.

We also made a quick demo here : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OJmB1lWIdGw

Bionic Eye

….  and now, screenshots.

Bionic Eye Tokyo

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