I’ve been using tablets for years.. Years!  So when the Kindle first came out, my first reaction was, meh.  Partly because of the price point, and partly because I knew that something that focused on text and ignored rich media was simply too one dimensional of a device.  I have friends that have kindles, and they like them well enough because, well, unless you have a netTablet (which does not exist yet) then that’s you best choice.

But just because that is your only choice does not mean its your only choice forever..  And thus onto the scene comes the iPad, various Android devices and (perhaps) the MS courier. So a new report from ChangeWave comes out saying less then 50% of the people who bought an ereader would have bought that same ereader again if the iPad was available. No kidding. The graph from this report is at the end of this post.

However, I don’t think the iPad is going to dig THAT much into the Kindle and other ereaders mostly because the iPad is too big for easy transport and its display is not optimal for long reading stretches.  So who will come out with a netTablet the size of a kindle?  I don’t know, although it looks like the courier is gunning for that position.

As for me, I’m fine with reading on the iphone for now.  But, if the iPad v1 drops in price as many people think it will, AND the v2 will have much of what is missing on this version, I/O, camera, headphone socket, then done deal, I will be an iPad owner.. unless something cooler at the same price is out by then. 😉

From ChangeResource 2010

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