Ok, just for the records here are you cheats so far.  Now remember, these only work in sandbox mode. As I hear more, I’ll update this.  Also, if anyone finds new cheats for SC 5, let me know. Code: Result: ALT+W Add $100,000 ALT+F Toggle Fire On/Off ALT+C Toggle Crime On/Off ALT+M Toggle Health Issues… Read More

I have not bought SimCity2013 and do not plan to till there is a hack that will allow me to play offline. The main time I would play is on the train or stuck at the airport or other times when I have down time. I do not always have access to the web during… Read More

I cannot believe I did not write about this when I first saw it. Famo.us is a firm that decided to see just how fast they could get an HTML5 to render.  The test was to render 3D in using HTML only, no plugins. The way they got this page to run so fast is… Read More

Back in Aug the Oculus made a splash on KickStarter as one of the most well funded VR headsets ever.  Now that they are in production, they have upped the specs a bit.  I think its going to make a huge difference.  Lets have a look at what they say from the Oculus website. The panel we… Read More

If you used the popular Torrent sharing site “FileSonic”, you may have noticed that the site has been down sense Wednesday.  This comes a few months after the site started to limit what its users could upload and download, reportedly after MegaUpload had been raided by the FBI for copyrighted material.  Eventually, completely disabling any… Read More

I saw this on VentureBeat and thought I would put a summery together, check out the full post if you have the time.  But before we get started, I chose Scumbag Steve for a reason, I think cheating at social games is pretty weak. I mean really, its suppose to be a fun relating thing,… Read More

This is a great video for all those Portal fans out there. Now if you are asking; ‘What is Portal?’  It’s an addictive puzzle game where the player has a portal gun which opens two portals between surfaces, allowing players to literally walk through walls.  This is a bit of an over simplication, but watch… Read More

I know you have all heard already, but there is a new RPG South Park game and I grabbed the video.  The game is simple enough, you are a new kid in town trying to join the South Parks stick gang is an effort to save SouthPark from “vampires and hippies”.  You will see your… Read More

This is interesting news.  There has been talk of an Assasin creed 3 coming out for Vita, but like everyone else, I expected a port, and a poor one.  I’m wrong.  And ever so. This ‘seems’ like a new port.  Not only do we get a new female assassin named Aveline, we are going to… Read More

The specific use case is limited.  You can created an realtime interactive topo by moving sand around within a sandbox. However, if you extend this technology, this is where it gets interesting.  Say for example, you place two beams next to each other, then ‘fuse’ those beams in AR.  You can now do stress tests… Read More

Reverb Games News just sent out a few artist rendering and a trailer for the new Star Trek coming out in early next year for Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC.  Looks pretty good, young kirk version!  No word on the exact release date, nor cost, but odds are this will have pick up based… Read More

Well the time has come. With the thousands of new games and apps being released on a regular basis Draw Something is the newest game that has been sweeping the social media sites. As much as I tried; I could not ignore this game any longer as updates and complaints about it flooded all of… Read More

Assassin’s Creed has to be one of the better game series I have played in a while. On March 31 was the official announcement for the first Assassin’s Creed game with full motion control! I am happy to see this as I feel that most games don’t take full advantage of the Kinect’s capabilities for… Read More