Crazy.  You can now jailbreak and UNLOCK iOS4  for the iphone4 ipad from the web browser.  Now this is not new news per say, but there have been some issues with the current jailbreak in that some people have been experiencing problems with MMS and Facetime. As I always advise my readers, NEVER jailbreak right off the bat. Give a few days and see how it goes.

Well, it looks like the good people from the dev-team have updated the jailbreak and have sorted out the MMS and Facetime problems.  From the site..

For those needing a carrier unlock, use the existing ultrasn0w in Cydia on your iPhone3G or iPhone3GS.  After a short testing period, we’ll push out the iPhone4 version.

Note: The earlier MMS and Facetime issues have been fixed.  If you already ran the version with those problems, launch Cydia and accept its offer to update.

So there you go kiddies, and remember, just because its legal now doesn’t mean Apple is happy about all this and they can still decide at any moment that you are breaking the warranty on the device if you jailbreak.  But again, I have yet to have any issues when I bring my iphone in to Apple store for a fix.  And this is normally because I cannot get my Mac at home to do it myself on the VERY rare occasions I have had an issue…   Ok like, ONCE in the whole time I’ve been jailbreaking since iphone 2.

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