What appears to be a rare iPhone 6 prototype is currently up for auction on eBay after Apple mistakenly sent it out, a customer claims. According to one eBay seller, Apple accidentally sent her an early version of the 6 upon renewing her contract; so far, there are 166 bids on kimberlyk1018 ‘s product. The… Read More

Apple says today’s remote control is outdated. With that in mind, Apple laid out in a patent application published Thursday a new kind of digital remote control for its Apple TV set-top box that uses icons and pictures, similar to those graphic interfaces on TV, but shrunken down and customized for a smartphone or tablet… Read More

The disastrous iOS 8.0.1 update that curtailed users’ cellular signals and created other bugs earlier this week may have a connection to another major glitch in recent history: the shaky rollout of Apple Maps . The company said less than 40,000 users downloaded iOS 8.0.1 before it was pulled over an hour after its release… Read More

This has been a rough few days for Apple.  A ‘goto fail’ hole appeared in the OS that lets people defect a security server key which lets them do .. well not sure.  From a quick read of the code, seems like if you can get a false handshake to work then depending on the… Read More

Ah never mind.  This tuned out to be fake.  Oh but I wish it was true.  🙂   This is just TOO good.  I read a story in thepaperblog on how Samsung paid Apple in nickles!  30 Trucks full! Seems the laywer forgot to include any clause about HOW to make the payments.  Nice.  Seems… Read More

Although some may find it a bit off, using an animated icon that represents much of what drives Mac users nuts (especially us occasional users), but somehow it kinda works for me. Something about always waiting for the next great thing that is going to come from the mind of Steve Jobs, and for us… Read More

It was only a matter of time, and I guess the time is now.  Steve Jobs has resigned as CEO of APPle. So what does that mean?  In the short term, not a lot.  The stock market has not responded much in after hour trading, but we will see tomorrow.  This has been long in… Read More

just read this on http://www.pocketgamer.biz/r/PG.Biz/App+Store/news.asp?c=30179. Have not confirmed. Continuing a pattern triggered by consumer criticism over ‘accidental purchases’ of virtual goods in games such as Capcom’s Smurfs’ Village in late 2010, Apple is set to tighten its in-app purchase policy again. According to developer sources, new apps being submitted to the App Store will limit… Read More

Taiwanese computer giant Acer wants to be like Apple with premium products and high margins. Now it thinks it has a more promising future in tablets, Bloomberg reports.
This is a big change in Acer’s strategy. The company has previously focused o…… Read More

I have not had a chance to really did into todays announcement from Google so I’m going to do a quick post here with some bullet points video below. I’ll return to this post with deep thoughts later today.  There is a lot to take in; and not all of it is new news. The… Read More

There is no question that the iPhone has been an amazing success and only its At&T appendage has slowed it down from even further adoption. As great as the hardware is, just as much if not more of the credit has to go to the OS. Even after 2 years the iPhone OS is still… Read More

So what does that mean?  Well in short, the exploit that has been used in the rain series is now closed.  Basically the new crop of iphones you get off the shelf cannot be jailbroken.  This includes BlackRa1n if I understand the TechCrunch article correctly. (I still need to research this a bit more). If… Read More

The war has not started yet, but the armies are gathering their forces.  Apple is building a tablet based off the iphone OS and the rest of the world will be using Android. So how what will the first skirmish look like? Based on the last known rumors, we have a coming Apple tablet that… Read More