Great, so now you can get a micro sim from T-Mobile. What does that mean?  Well, you may know that over one million iphone are running on the T-Mobile network despite the fact that you cannot run 3G. However, what you may not know is that you have to take a pair of scissors (or… Read More

I was lucky enough to be turned on to TurnTable.FM when it launched and have enjoyed it off and on ever since.  Last week, when we were planning the final details for VentureBeats Mobile/GameBeat conference, we talked about music.  I suggested we should create a Venturebeat room and let people DJ the breaks!  As it… Read More

I just saw this Via Dana Oshiro on NewShelter. I have not really taken to Google+ for the same reason I did not take to facebook.  Too much scrolling.  What i like about Twitter, and still find myself going there first, is everyone is limited to 140 char and replies are not shown by default. … Read More

Here are a collection of tips and tricks you can use to make Civilization Revolution easier to play and win at.  Keep in mind there are not cheats for Civilization Revolution. I have looked..  None.  Enjoy!  I’ll update and add images later. When you first start, explore fast and always attack barbarians if you find… Read More

Ok, I would not have believed this if I did not see it myself.  We have an older apple keyboard that was just disgusting. Instead of trying to clean it by hand, someone recommended putting it in the dishwater.  What??  Ok, so my friend gave it a shot and low and behold… it works!!  Not… Read More

I really hate that itunes launches every-time I connect my iphone or ipad.  At first I thought it would be an easy fix, simply uncheck iTunes Summary “Automatically sync [this device] when connected”.  Right?  #FAIL  Yes the iphone will not autosync, but iTunes will still launch!  What is the fix? Turn on the setting ‘Allowing… Read More

I mostly play SimCity deluxe on the iPad now, but these tips apply for all SimCity games in general. BTW, I have not tried this for Android, but it should work. Put your powerplant in a far corner of the board. If you have a river near the centre of your world, build near it. … Read More

Such FAIL that its almost epic.  I have only recently started to play with iphone voice control after a VERY pleasant experience with Google Androids voice control, which work very well.  With my Droid I could get directions, play music and even call people.  And although calling people was not 100%, it was pretty good.… Read More

The news broke out at where 2.0 that if you pull a .db file from your iphone, it has a record of everywhere you have been in the past year.  WOW.  Worse, this file in NOT encrypted. So the question is; why are they collecting this in the first place?  Perhaps the government wants it?… Read More

When I first installed Firefox 4 it was REALLY buggy for me. Lots of crashes and lock ups. I then started removing plugins and its starting to behave much better now. I still have the occasional hiccup, but nothing like in the beginning. However, if you are STILL having crashes and lockups on FireFox, here… Read More

I ran Firefox beta off and on, and it was fine but a bit buggy.  Then I download FF4 final release and it was REALLY buggy.  Screens not fully rendering, browser getting stuck, buttons not working, etc..  Never did fully crash though funny enough.Even killing the browser and restarting did not help. I then started… Read More

As a developer and analyst, I heavily rely on the powerful features and flexibility that Microsoft Excel provides for various tasks. This was especially true when I was supporting enterprise level accounting systems. I would often be working with two or more workbooks at a time, and loved having the ability to view two worksheets… Read More

This just popped into my email.  I’ll follow up on it in a bit.. From Robby Stanley Just a quick news release. We just completed an extensive Verizon iPhone 4 Teardown and Screen Replacement Video on Youtube. This will show people the step by step directions it will take in order to replace their screen… Read More

I got my phone today.  There was not much of a line ( I had mine pre arraigned so I did not wait in line; although I did have to wait). If you want to get a phone, odds are you will be able to find one.  You may not find it at the first… Read More

This is pretty interesting.  Ebay has a new feature to make buying and seeing of used (and new ) iPhone easier.  You basically select the phone you want to buy its condition, and the carrier and you can buy  if someone has placed a advert for that phone.  Now what is different is the filtering… Read More

I have no proof of this but it should work…   You can go to the Verizon store right now and by a cheap clam shell phone for $30 that has $10 of service on it.  Now why would I do that? In general Verizon is considered to have the best coverage of all the networks… Read More

I had to clear my iphone of forwarding information and was not sure where what the code was.  So I did a bit of digging and found a list of them.. And I present them to you..  I have not tested them all but I will try a few and see what happens. *3001#12345# and… Read More

Just got an iPad eh?  But did not get the 3G version?  Thats ok right? Just connect to WIFI.  But if you do have has WIFI when your travel?   Well, there’s an iPhone app for that.  Jailbroken of course. I wrote about using GPS on your ipad a few months back.  To use GPS you… Read More

There are still a bunch of iPhone 3G users out there. I still use mine despite having access to quite a few phones now. However, my phone has been going slower and slower.. What gives.  Well, since I run SBSettings I can monitor the memory usage of the phone, kinda of like task manager from… Read More