Last month I said it would believe it when I see a sub $50 tablet, well know I’ve seen it from VentureBeat.  It costs around $45 to build, but with a $10 discount from the government, we have a $35 tablet. Now this is just for India keep in mind and targeted for some of… Read More

We have the first look at the HP TouchPad running WebOS and from what I heard (no I was not there) it’s great! Snappy! Well designed! Great Multitasking! Works seamlessly with the new Pre 3 and other WebOS phones! … I dont care. We not ‘ME’; I’m actually dieing to get my hands on one… Read More

A challenger appears!!  The Great Tablet War continues.  Apple was the first major player on the field and completely destroyed all competitors to the point that we cannot even remember their names…  But that dominance will only hold for so long. On Engadget (who else) we have a leak of the new HP Slate.  And… Read More

We pick up in the war after the CrunchPad came and went, various ‘tablets’ from other manufactures have taken up position on the field.  Apples iPad is the first heavy into battle, and with great surprise, not to much effect.  The general reception to the iPad has been even at best.  Now comes Googles tablet,… Read More

The apple iPad is finally out. And it’s pretty much what we expected; a really big and hyper powered iPhone/iPod.  Anyway, all in all, that’s ok. So why am I not buying one? Well it’s because I already have an iPhone. Now, if I was a big iPhone game player, we would be having a… Read More

The storm clouds over CES in Las Vegas have been gathering as the Apple, Google, Microsoft and the loosely unified free states prepare for war.  Even though we know Apple will not make their announcement till Jan 26, they will leaks bits and bobs to counter the other slate warriors from having the field TOO… Read More

This is not a full review of the Camangi since I do not have it in my hands, but this is a perfect example, of the slew of Android Slates that I expect to see coming out this year.  This slate is listed at $400 bucks, and based on the specs, its basically a big… Read More

The great (slate) Tablet war moves to the next stage as expected.  The first player on the scene the JooJoo, which used to be known as the CrunchPad, was the first to enter the battleground.  I expect to see it again this coming week at the #CES show in Las Vegas, but already they are… Read More