SOoo much to unpack from yesterday. Ok, lets take this one at a time. First the stock jump to over $1000 a share. In less than a week, TSLA went from $775 to close at $1080 today with a peak at $1094. This 25% jump is pretty crazy. So what is going on? Two things.… Read More

I finally got my Tesla Model 3 a few weeks back.  Driving in an unfamiliar parking area, I did an over correction avoiding a pedestrian and ‘crunch’, I scrapped the rim on my M3.  Sigh.  So here is how you can repair the damage without taking the wheel off or paying $200 to a shop.… Read More

As of last week we finally have an in service self driving vehicle on the road, however the vehicle is a big rig. So unless you haul 18-wheelers, you are not going to get your freeway autocruise just yet.  However, now that we got trucks on the road, its only a matter of time before… Read More

A story broke a few days back from a blogger named Michael DeGusta saying that if you let your Telsa’s car battery full drain that you have effectively bricked your car. He gave 5 examples of cars that were fully drained and thus ‘bricked’.  He reports one example of a user who took his car… Read More