
Guest post by Kevin Rochowski – @thunderberry

Despite it’s enormous popularity, Twitter has no official iPhone app of its own. Developers, seeking to plug this gap, have taken up the challenge to make their own, ensuring that there is no lack of native clients to choose from. Today, we take two of the more popular paid apps, Twittelator Pro and Tweetie, and pit them against each other for your viewing pleasure.

Both of these apps will satisfy the needs of the basic twitter user, but their defining feature sets are most definitely targeted at the pro user. Both feature the ability to define multiple twitter accounts, post photos, add in geo-location data and browse links within the app itself. But ultimately it’s the execution of these features that sets apart the victor and the loser:

Twittelator Pro

Cost: 4.99 USD (iTunes link)

Pros: Landscape mode for composing tweets, support for both instapaper and readitlater, themes, support for multiple photo and link shortening services

Cons: Frequent (and confusing) error messages, clunky interface, could be faster.


Cost: 2.99 USD (iTunes link)

Pros: Intuitive interface, speedy, smooth operation, simplicity of use

Cons: lack of support for alternative services for photo and link shortening, instapaper support only, no push notification for DM
So which is the winner? As is often the case with these sorts of things, personal preferences will play a large part in determining which you prefer. Twitterlator Pro has the advantage of providing landscape more editing, but it is outperformed in almost every other aspect by Tweetie. When cost is added in as a factor, the lower price and higher aesthitic qualites of Tweetie make it the clear victor in my opinion, and has earned it a permanent placement on my home screen.

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