Just read that in June Microsoft will release their voice assistant Cortana for Android and iOS.  This is great for those of us who want to try something new who use Android and Google Now search, which is very good, but sometimes you want something a little more conversational. For my friends who have been complaining about Siri not… Read More

There is a cool jailbreak app that will read you banner notifications using Siri voice called VSNotifications.  Nice! Credit http://appadvice.com/ via ‘The Great iPhone Jailbreak‘ for this one. You can get this from the Cydia Store in the BigBoss repository.  Once installed you enabled it from a new pane that will be added to the… Read More

At the recent World Wide Developers Conference, one of the new feature shown off  the expansion of Siri’s language capabilities to Mandarin and Cantonese.  Must reviews are fairly mixed; noting the sounds is mechanical and comprehension is limited to fairly basic sentences. Tienanmen Square.  From VentureBeat. As China Real Time says, Siri responds to questions… Read More

We all remember the dust up around Siri and its refusal to give directions to an abortion clinic.  Well Iris, (siri spelled backwards) which is suppose to be an somewhat Android equivalent powered by ChaCha is far worse. Never mind not giving directions; ChaCha will quote scripture when asked if abortion is wrong. Q:  Is… Read More

This is an older rumor, older as in 2 weeks ago. (iphone4jailbreak.org) Seems Apple is working on an adding Siri to the ipod Nano such that it can work as a watch / personal communicator.  Imagine having a watch that is mostly controlled through voice and performs voice to text for output.. I’m sure it’s… Read More

I just read this so I have not loaded it nor tested it. I’ll take a closer look later tonight. http://blog.chpwn.com/post/14689740472 Remember it’s not a install and forget jailbreak app. You still need to set up a proxy so if you cannot do this yourself, hopefully you have some friends who do. Update. I did… Read More

I’m not fully convinced here, but the general talk around in interwebs is that the oversite of leaving vfdecrype key in the unencrypted ramdisk basically means its fair play.  Not sure how that works, but ok.  Still this does not mean we should see a release of Siri for iphone4 anytime soon.  There is still… Read More

Ok ok, I know you are really want to get Siri on your iphone, well short of buying a new iphone4s I mean.  And you figure, its only a matter of time before a hacker cracks it.  Well your right, and they have, however there is an issue.  Like other jailbreak apps, Steven Troughton-Smith was able… Read More

This is pretty cool.  Go to this site and type in your conversation.  Hit the ‘create siri conversation’ button and bam.  You have your screenshot.  I’m sure a micro meme of really off conversations are going to be created over the next month. 🙂 Here is one I made really quick.  Not my best work.… Read More

Last week there was all kinds of news about getting Siri to work on jailbroken iphones. Well there is news today that Apple my be working on a version to run on older iOS devices. Most likely you will still need to update your phone to iOS5 if you have not already. I have held… Read More

The news just broke that @stroughtonsmith got Siri working on his jailbroken iPhone4. Nice. There is a vid, will post a link to it, then do an embed later. Right now he is not releasing the files or steps till the iPhone4s jailbrake is out there. Also, he wants to do a bit more testing… Read More

I just read this on 9to5mac, so I still need to research this a bit more, but once I figure out how to install Siri on my iphone 4, I’m on it!  And will report back.  Now its pretty much a given you will need to be jailbroken to run this, and the first few… Read More

So its the iphone 4S.  This is not news since its slipped out last week from an iTunes oversight.  The outside is the same, but the internals have changed.  The dual-core A5 is the big game changer… for games that is. ** Apple stock has now fallen 3.42 percent, while the NASDAQ is down only… Read More