As a TC1100 fan, I was looking up installing Windows 8 on my machine.  Although installing the wifi card is a bit tricky you can still do it.  And for fun I checked up on the TC1100 wiki page only to see the reference to popular culture section deleted!  WTH?  So I grabbed an old… Read More

This adventure never ends and the odds of me getting a touchpad for $99 is slipping to nill.  I posted a bit ago that I was able to order a machine though Barnes & Noble.  Well I just got an email cancelling the order: Due to unexpected customer demand for this item, our inventory was… Read More

So we all heard about HP giving up the ghost on their webOS hardware unit.  I was expected that there would be a sale to get rid of these units.  But $99??  Wow, I’m sure that is pretty far below cost!  Right now its live in Canada, but first chance in show up in the… Read More

Taiwanese computer giant Acer wants to be like Apple with premium products and high margins. Now it thinks it has a more promising future in tablets, Bloomberg reports.
This is a big change in Acer’s strategy. The company has previously focused o…… Read More

We have the first look at the HP TouchPad running WebOS and from what I heard (no I was not there) it’s great! Snappy! Well designed! Great Multitasking! Works seamlessly with the new Pre 3 and other WebOS phones! … I dont care. We not ‘ME’; I’m actually dieing to get my hands on one… Read More

Well, they finally sold. About time too.  1.2 billion.  Although HP says its because of the ‘top in class’ OS, I would say the IP’s had more to do with it. Still its done and now Palm had ended one life and begins another.  And given the stock jump, its off to a good start.… Read More