pebble chessI finally got my Pebble watch after near a year from when I bought it on kickstarter.  When I first bought it I figured, well there will not be many applications at first, but hopefully some core useful apps will come out.  Now that I have the watch my reaction is .. meh.  However, Best Buy is now selling them making those who have yet to get there pebbles pretty mad.  But that is another post.   Lets have a look at what we can kinda call our top 100 apps for the pebble watch.

Go here to check out the current collection of Pebble Apps.

1. Pushover & IFTTT: Android, iOS.  This is my number one right now.  If you cannot program, but what want more then just notifications from your phone, you can use IFTTT (If this then that)  IFTTT is a service that allows you to set up simple rules to relating to other online services.  For example, you can monitor a rss feed, and if a keyword appears, you can have an alert sent to yourself.  Cool eh?  However, I’m having issue with my iPhone4.  I’m going to jailbreak it later this week to 6.1.2 and see if I can get it working better.

2. LightFlow: Andriod.  This is very useful.  You can control exactly what alerts will go to your pebble. There is a jailbreak hack called BTNotificationEnabler that can do this.  Not as fine control however.

3. PebbleTasker.  Android.  This app just got an update.  What that apps does is allow you to execute a command or program on your Android by clicking of of the 3 buttons or click the middle button and get 20 more commands.  Better, this is programmable based on profile.  So if your droid has the headset plugin, you can have the top button set to start pandora.  If its not plugged in, perhaps its set to calendar.  Your call.  Here are a few things  have been using tasker for.

4. SmartWatch Pro iOS:  Until iOS7 comes out and fixes many of the issues with bluetooth, this will get you through. Add Calendar, Twitter and volume controls to the Pebble.

5. PebbleMines Minesweeper for the Pebble.  I downloaded this one.  Its pretty good.  A very simple little game you can play. Also there is Chess if your into that on a watch. Chess

6. Calculator A calculator. Simple as that.

7. Timer A countdown timer. Useful.

8. Watchface-Generator. Android, iOS.  This is not an app as much as it is a service that will allow you to create your own Pebble watch faces.

9. SmartStatus iOS Jailbreak.  Notifications simply do not work very well in iOS even worse for pre 6.0 iOS versions.  This app, which requires jailbreak and 6.0 or better, addressed this issue.

10. RunKeeper. This could have been great, but its still basically the same app from when they first announce a partnership.  Sigh.  What I do like is you only get 3 readout.  You cannot change nor customize anything.  Hopefully this will change.

11. MLB at bat. iOS.  I have not tried this and I think unless you are really into baseball, this has limited appeal.  But I thought I was through it in at 11.

More?  How about a look at this site…

Many of the apps came from this site.  I do not know much about it, so install with caution.

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