This watch is not on the market yet, but basically its a smart watch that lets you load applications.  Using bluetooth, it will connect to your iphone or android and get alerts, run apps and who knows what other apps will come in time. The phone is called the Pebble and its on Kickstarter. (Check the Vid below)

{ update:  I just bought it! }

There have been other smartwatches, remember the rumors that Apple is working on an iOS watch?  Well this is different because the watch it not trying to run an OS By using the phone do the processing, the watch is basically a semi dumb display that using your phone to get and process data. However, I say ‘semi’ because you can load simple apps that can execute basic programs; like displaying time of course, but you can use it as a bike computer, vibrate on alarms, control music on your phone and just recently announced, you can use iftt (if this then that) tools to make your own rules for when the phone sends messages to your watch.

Apps bring Pebble to life. We’re building some amazing apps for Pebble. Cyclists can use Pebble as a bike computer, accessing the GPS on your smartphone to display speed, distance and pace data. Runners get a similar set of data displayed on their wrist. Use the music control app to play, pause or skip tracks on your phone with the touch of a button. If you’re a golfer, feel free to bring Pebble onto the course. We’re working with Freecaddie to create a great golf rangefinder app for Pebble that works on over 25,000 courses world-wide. Instead of using your phone, view your current distance to the green right on your wrist. These apps will be the first, with more in the works!

Sweet eh?  This is listed on kickstarter and you can order one for $115.  Want to code an app yourself?  We for now you need to write in C, so this not for your amateur coder, but who knows?  Perhaps someone will write a Python or PHP layer on top.  Interestingly, Sony announced today that they are releasing a similar sony smartwatch that connects to Android only.  Based on the press release it takes the same approach the pebble is taking, however at $150, for Android only, and not quite as attractive, I’m still leaning towards the Pebble.
Now here is the Vid.

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