I just saw this browsing the BBC site. My coworker who broke both of his writs skiing, so I let him borrow my ipad. As soon as I get it back, I’ll give this a shot and report back.

Grand Canyon as it appears in the ad
The ad promotes ‘From the Edge’ a documentary for the Weather Channel

The first ever 3D advert for the iPad has just launched.

Creator Cooliris hopes it will kickstart innovation in the nascent mobile ad business.

The ad promotes a new series for the US Weather Channel which follows the award winning photographer Peter Lik as he travels across the US to take the perfect photo.

Experts say such ads will take a while to catch on.

A lot of advertising in the mobile space is done using banner ads which include basic static display images at the top or bottom of a phone screen.

They are a low cost way to advertise but not very effective because users find them annoying and rarely click on them.

“Rather than being inspired by the bad advertising we have seen on the desktop and that has migrated to mobile devices, we went back to the drawing board to create a new advertising platform,” said Soujanya Bhumkar, chief executive officer of Cooliris

The Interactive Advertising Bureau reported in April that banner ads accounted for nearly 24% of a record $26 bn spent on online advertising.

There was no breakdown for mobile but the IAB estimated that total revenue for the year was between $550m and $650m in the US.

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