And it might be worth it.. Not for me, but for some people.  But what is interesting here is that price point of $30.  Personally, for $30, I can see people paying for this even though the normal ‘top’ price is $10, except for one issue.  Its wifi only!  No 3G.  So now recast the question, will you pay $30 for remote TV access ONLY if you have WIFI… that might be a bit much to swallow.  Now I have not tried it, mostly because there is nothing on TV that worth paying for sling and then paying for the player again, but according to Engadget, its not all that great even in WIFI..  From engadget

We’ve had a chance to play with the app, and it certainly gets the job done — we just wish it worked a little better. Even on WiFi, control feels laggy, and there’s no native guide (though there’s an icon to quickly pull up your set-top box’s guide). When you’re in letterbox mode, you’ve got black bars around all four sides of the image, meaning that the app isn’t taking full advantage of the phone’s display; we’re hopeful this’ll be fixed in a future release, though.

Should be intersteing to see the volume of uptake.

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