Ok, I heard this before. Hopefully they have it working this time. I got a SMS from ATT pointing me to this info on the ATT site on how to gain access:

iPhone users, get started with Wi-Fi

  • Activate Wi-Fi from the settings icon on your iPhone
  • Select “attwifi” from the list of available networks
  • Enter your 10-digit mobile number and check the box to agree to the Acceptable Use Policy. Tap ‘continue’
  • You will receive a text message from AT&T with a secure link to the AT&T Wi-Fi hotspot. You will not be charged for the text message.
  • The SMS link will only be valid for 24 hours at the location it was requested. Another request must be submitted when using another hotspot location.
  • Open the text message and tap on the link for 24-hour access to the AT&T Wi-Fi hotspot

It seems like a bit of a pain, but not over the top.  I’m going to talk by my local starbuck tonight and give it a shot.  I’ll update this blog once I find out.

Now, what I want to know is.. where ELSE besides starbucks?  On the site they list:

Thousands of AT&T Wi-Fi hotspot locations nationwide

  • Airports
  • Hotels
  • Universities
  • Convention Centers
  • Sports Centers
  • Starbucks locations
  • Restaurants
  • Bookstores
  • Supermarkets

Ok, where are they?  Can I get a list based on my location? Real value would be the ability to search ATT hotspots on google maps. I gave it a shot and only found 1 hotel within Oakland/Berkeley.  Let’s get on it eh?

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