Over the past few years I have been engaging a lot more with various entities in Denmark. One such group that has recently caught my attention is the Danish library system. Now I remember coming across this report years back about the city of Aarhus Main Library’s Transformation Lab. Recently Dave Arendash and I were… Read More

I cannot believe I did not write about this when I first saw it. Famo.us is a firm that decided to see just how fast they could get an HTML5 to render.  The test was to render 3D in using HTML only, no plugins. The way they got this page to run so fast is… Read More

This is sweet.  We have seen some really nice graphics done in pure CSS.  This one I think pushed the HTML/CSS/JS bar just a bit higher. A  really nice functional wrist watch with no images!  The crazy part is that it works in I.E!  Wow.  I also tested on iPad and iphone.  Works. I did… Read More

“CASCADE SF’s first “Innovators of the Web Conference” Yes, this fine Sat I’m at the Adobe building in SF watching presentations on the intersection of design and programming.  The focus of the talks today are line by line examples of how to break through the limits of design for the web with new cutting edge… Read More

Opera released version 12 of its web browser today with a number of new features, improved performance, and enhanced support for modern web standards. Feature Adds: – Support for better personalization and wallpaper-like themes. A variety of browser wallpapers can be selected from the Opera public gallery. – Support for CSS3 animations and transitions. – Preliminary support… Read More

At Google HQ in Mountain View, California right now attending WebGL Camp #3. WebGL Camp is a full day affair of WebGL demos, presentations, and code. A nice write up by fellow attendee Ates Gursimsek. See the videos when available at the WebGL Camp Youtube Channel .… Read More

I was recently exposed to SVG Girl (thanks Avi) and as a fan of anime and web technology, what a treat! At first glance, SVG Girl looks like a video of an anime, in reality it is an interactive video using all Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG)! SVG is a family of specifications of an XML-based file format… Read More

I have discovered my own ‘Angry Birds’ style game addiction with Cycleblob. Released earlier this week, this Tron inspired game allows the player to control a light cycle and compete against other computer controlled racers on various 3D tracks. Beyond the cool factor of being able to race a Tron light cycle, the game utilizes… Read More

I have talked about it before, but today at GDC2011 the Khronos Group released the final specification for WebGL, a specification that brings OpenGL hardware-accelerated graphics to supporting web browsers. Official press release. Back to the show!… Read More

We wrote about Google 3D body browser before.  Well now you can have the same 3D experience using some of the new Power Tablets coming out like the Motorola’s Xoom Seen blow. The honeycomb OS release does much better 3D support and from the video below (via VentureBeat); it works pretty well. Course this does… Read More

Earlier this month was the second WebGL Camp in Silicon Valley. Organized by Henrik Bennetsen (CEO of Katalabs) and Christian Greuel (Manager of SRI Geovisualization Center), the camp is a developer focused event that aims to bring together the people who are writing the WebGL spec with those who build projects on it for some show and tell.… Read More

I was at the WebGL Camp today at SRI and the WebGL team from Google gave us a sneak peak at a web3D medical application called the Google Body Browser. (video)  After watching the video at the link, one can quickly see the possibilities of how this could help anatomical education. As promised; an initial… Read More

I’m not going to go over everything, you can find that anywhere.. I’m instead going to look at a few things that I think are really interesting… HTML5 support!  Why is this so important?  HTML5 is like having flash lite without the plug-in!  (I still wish I had flash though).  But take a look at… Read More