kanji pebbleSo combine this with the Pebble Apps store announcement, and we are getting pretty close to the next full expression of what a Pebble can be.  Already I’m seeing caloric burning counter beta apps coming out for Pebble 2.0.  Nice.

Here is the press release email thing..

We have just released a release candidate for the Pebble 2.0 firmware (2.0-RC). This version fixes almost all of the bugs that were reported in the last few days:

  • Fixed numerous crashes
  • %Z flag passed to strftime no longer crashes the watch
  • Fixed iOS connected but not receiving anything issue
  • Firmware will delete all data logging data on factory reset
  • Rate limit logging to prevent apps from crashing app with logging loops
  • Fixed issues where buttons become unresponsive
  • Fixed gpath getting clipped in some cases
  • Fixed accel lockup issue
  • Fixed accel not using the right sampling rate
  • Added low battery warning
  • Cancel snooze timer when alarm is deleted

iOS users will be automatically prompted to install this new firmware when they open the Pebble application. Android users will need to download it from the developer website.

BTW, if you have an Pebble app already, here is a checklist for getting it ready for the App Store.

  • Is your application in the ‘Published’ state? Publishing a release is not enough. You need to click the ‘Publish’ button in the top right corner to make sure your app is visible. Please double-check this!
  • If you had a 1.x version of your app, did you provide the name and UUID of your 1.x app in the developer portal? This will allow us to automatically migrate your users to the 2.0 version.
  • Did you upload a header image for your app (not required for watchfaces)? If not, we provide the Pebble appstore marketing materials to help you.
  • Did you upload at least one screenshot of your app? You can easily create a screenshot of your app by running pebble screenshot –phone <ipaddress> or by selecting “Screenshot” from the compilation screen of CloudPebble

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