I have been holding off on updating my plan thinking the iPhone for Verizon would be coming soon.  My bet is paying off because we should have it tomorrow.  However, the one thing I MUST have is jailbreak because I MUST have PDANet on it.  I fully expect that we should be able to jailbreak 4.2, but will jailbreak apps that talk to the phones hardware still work the same way?  Keep in mind this is for CDMA which means the phone and data links do not work the same way (nor at the same time).  Hopefully the low level API calls are still made the same way and the firmware will take care of it.  If that is the case then we should be fine, but as you can guess, there is no guarantee.  Also we do not know what checks Verizon has in place for tethering.  In theory data should just be data and like AT&T, it should not matter. But this is a new phone with new hardware, so all bets are off.

An interesting point though is that I hear on the rumor mill that you get 5G of tethered data included in the $30 month data plan.  Still waiting on that…

I will be keeping an eye out on the subject and you KNOW within 3 hours of the first iphone hitting the pavement it will be jailbroken and someone will be testing data apps.  And I’ll be here watching.. and waiting…

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