This has been a running battle between Apple, the phone companies and those who want to tether their phones to other devices.  Well, here is latest update in the battle, and this time, its a tether that not only does not require jailbreak, but does not even require the installation of an app!  THIS is… Read More

I saw in the news a few days back that Google was going to do this, and based on a post in Venturebeat I guess they pulled the trigger.  Google is now blocking Android tethering apps from the Store. Well not blocking per se. From VB – “You can still see it in the Android… Read More

WTH?  According to VentureBeat, seems that AT&T has been sending letters out to subscribers of MiWi, a jailbreak app that allows tethering of multiple machines to you iPhone. I use PDANet and have not seen such a letter yet, but I’m keeping my eyes out.  The letter basically states that if you use a non… Read More

Remember my post a week back or so when I said I had this idea that if I signed up for a Verizon plan, ANY Verizon plan, I should be able to order the iphone 4 early since I’m a Verizon customer.  Seems I was right because yesterday I got a call asking if I… Read More

I’m really surprised I get this question.  I was asked 3 times and I figured I would write a short post on the answer. YES..   Ok, now ‘why’ its yes.. You do NOT have to jailbreak you iPad to tether.  You only have to jailbreak the iPhone.  (if you are using an iphone that is) … Read More

I use PDANet so I’m unaffected by all this, but I saw this on TC’s mobile crunch and felt compelled to share. 🙂  Now again, as I remind my readers every time, there is a difference between jailbreaking and unlocking. {UPDATE:  the newest version RC3 now has unlock as well as jailbreak.  I have not… Read More

I just read this today on ismashiphone (link).. The posts describe the steps required to tether your iphone 3g(s) IF you are updated to the new 3.0 firmware. Since I use PDANet (paid for it too) I have not tried it personally, but I’m sure there are a few readers who love to have this… Read More

This is the first day at GDC, and in the press room, the interwebs connection was good, but in the middle of drafting another post, the thing went south on me.  Grr…  Worse yet, in the conference rooms (of which I’m in now learning about various coding techniques for graphics on mobile devices) does not… Read More

PdaNet is not a new app, nor are apps for tethering new. I even wrote about and downloaded PdaNet back in Sept.  Story here. I never did have a use for it, nor did I expect I ever would, till today.  I took a 2 mile walk to starbucks (need the exercise) expecting to have… Read More

I just read this in cnet. AT&T confirms tethering coming to iPhone in 2009 Eh. Perhaps. There is nothing to gain and a bit to lose for AT&T to do it now. So I’m guessing they are keeping this in their pockets as a way to fight the sure to come competition from other service… Read More

When NetShare first came out, I did not download it because … bah, I do not remember why not.  However, once it was pulled off the app store, I really wish I did. I do not need tethering that often, in fact, I only rememeber wishing I had it once, but in the jailbreak world,… Read More

{update} Now with the 3.0 update, you can tether with a bit more ease.  More here.. This is interesting. I read in that an app appeared briefly, then disappeared, and now has reappeared. Kinda like a Quark I guess. Anyway, at the time of this writing, it’s still there so you may want to… Read More