I had no idea there was a mobile substrate safe mode.  Well there you go.  The funny thing is; I got 2 comments today asking about SBSetting perhaps causing the problem.  I’ve been using SBS for quite a while, my favorite app, and never an issue.  Then tonight, I got bumped to safe mode.  Odd.  The only thing I did different was to create a folder using categories to demonstrate that to a friend ( I have not got around to creating new folders since the 2.2 upgrade).

So whats going on here?  I do not have winter board installed yet, in fact, the only jailbreak apps I have running is SBS, Cycoder and categories.  All three were installed a few days ago with no problems.

I did some searching on the interwebs and it seems like this is happening to others, but there does not seem to be a common app.  My guess?  Cydia.  I read this on a thread.. ‘its part of the new mobilesubstrate that comes with cydia’.  Seems to be the only thing that makes sense.

I just found this..

ab_rick reply on September 18, 2008:

it is a ‘mobile substrate’ safe mode not an iPhone safe mode as seems to be the impression below. Mobile Substrate is written by Saurik. I assume this is put in place to avoid a continual crash of the springboard by some dodgy theme or plugin. This way you can dissable the last theme item or any mobile substrate plugin (eg 5 icon dock or new safari file access) that you instsalled and stop your phone crashing. Saurik is protecting you all. The man is a living legend! Everyone buy him a beer!

Ok, I’m convinced. … and yes, we all should buy Saurik a beer.   Saurik, next time you are in the bay area, send me a ping, beer on me.

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